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Presentation transcript:

Peace and Conflict Revision

Keywords: write out the answers then click to double check them Weapons of mass destruction Weapons which can destroy large areas/numbers of people eg chemical weapons Pacifism Refusing to fight in wars Just war A war which is fought for the right reasons and in a right way World peace The basic aim of the United Nations to remove the causes of war Bullying Intimidating/frightening people weaker than yourself Forgiveness The act of stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning them for what they have done wrong Reconciliation Bringing together people who were opposed to each other

Keywords: write out the answers then click to double check them Aggression attacking without being provoked Conflict resolution Bringing a fight or struggle to a peaceful conclusion Exploitation taking advantage of a weaker group Respect Treating a person or their feelings with consideration The United Nations an international body set up to promote world peace and cooperation

The main causes of war Religious reasons Economic reasons Religious differences have been the cause of many wars in history e.g. the Crusades, the struggles between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland Economic reasons This is when one country grabs land or wealth from another. In the past the wealth may have been silver or gold, nowadays it is oil or mineral resources. This can lead to the exploitation of a small country by a more powerful one. Moral reasons This might be because one community feels obligated to attack another to restore the inhabitant’s human rights. Social reasons This may happen when one community wants to force another group to behave in the same way as they do, or attacks them because of their ethnic differences. This is what happened in Bosnia, where ethnic cleansing took place.

A recent conflict - Iraq This is an on going conflict which started in March 2003 with the US led invasion of Iraq. Other countries such as the UK, Australia and Poland supported this attack and also sent troops Saddam Hussein was captured in December 2003 and execute in 2006 The war was technically over very quickly however US and UK troops can not lead the area and now there is civil war over who is the new leader of Iraq. Millions of people have died and the war has cost well over $500 billion

The main reasons given were: President Bush said that there was evidence that Iraq’s leader, Saddam Hussein, had weapons of mass destruction which he was banned from having in 1991 and this was a threat to the US. To date none have been found Another given reason was the it was thought that Iraq was supporting families of Palestinian Suicide bombers Another was the Iraqi government Human rights abuses – thousands of people were executed without trial The US said that it was spreading democracy – Saddam Hussein was a dictator who people did not have a choice about Many people think the main reason was oil reserves – Iraq had control over a lot which the West need.

Nuclear weapons Chemical weapons Weapons of mass destruction = weapons which can destroy large areas/numbers of people Nuclear weapons Chemical weapons Biological weapons

The Middle East conflict This has been an on going war for many years and is between Jews and Muslims over who owns some land. Both sides believe that it is theirs and that it has religious value to them This war recently broke out again in December 2008

Reasons for the war The land of Palestine was the homeland to Jews in the Bible. They were thrown out of it by the Romans in AD135 In the centuries which followed it was the home of Muslim Arabs who became known as Palestinians In the 1890’s there was a call for the Jews to return to Palestine and claim their homeland After the 1st World War the land was controlled by Britain who said that the Jews could have the land and the Palestinians (Muslims) would have their own land. In 1922 the land was separated in to 2 which immediately led to conflict over who should control the government. In 1948 the Jews declared their land independent and called it Israel The Palestinians attacked the Jews but they were defeated which left a large number of Palestinians refugees with no land or home who have camped mainly on the Gaza strip The war over the right to the land continues

Christianity and War The Bible does not clearly state whether Christians should go to war or not and so different Christians think different things. There are 3 main opinions: Some think that war can be fought in some circumstances Some think that war should never be fought All Christians agree that war for the sake of it and greed is wrong, as is the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Attitude 1: Some Christians believe that going to war may be the right thing to do as long as it is a just war and the Bible supports this theory Reasons for this attitude: Jesus said that people should obey their lawful government, so this must mean even if they say they should go to war “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” St Paul said that Christians have a duty to obey those in authority “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authority” The Church has said that Christians have a duty to protect the weak and those facing injustice and have issued STATEMENTS

Attitude 2: Some Christians are pacifists and think that war is never acceptable e.g. the Quakers think this Reasons for this attitude: Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers” Jesus said “love your enemies and pray for your persecutors” The Decalogue (10 Commandments) say “Do not kill” Jesus stopped his disciples from using violence when he was about to be arrested If people act peacefully to each other then eventually peace will be established Nuclear weapons and other WMD can cause unimaginable suffering which totally goes against Christian teaching on love

Just War = a war fought for the right reasons and in the right way This was first put forward by St Augustine and tells Christians when it is justified to fight and how they should fight so the minimum amount of damage is done to people. The cause is just e.g it resists injustice It is fought with the authority of the government or UN It has the right intention, the aim is to bring peace It is a last resort There is a chance of success and lives will not be lost in vain Civilians are not targeted The methods are reasonable e.g nuclear weapons are not used against a non-nuclear country

Why the Just War Theory is important to Christians It allows Christians to fight and sometimes injustice can only be overcome with violence It was created by St. Thomas Aquinas and so is important One rule says that those in charge must declare the war, and Christians believe that those in charge are put in place by God It is important as it means that only necessary force is used which limits the harm to people It tells Christians that is must be a last resort which is important as war hurts all involved in some way

A religious organisation working for world peace Pax Christi - This is Latin for ‘the peace of Christ’ This is an international organisation based on the principles of Jesus – love It was set up in 1945 to work for reconciliation between the French and Germans It is opposed to war and all forms of violence It campaigns for governments to solve their disputes through talking It’s 3 main objectives are: Reconciliation Peace Education and learning They work for world peace because of their Christian beliefs which tell them to remove the causes of war e.g poverty and injustice

Islam and war Attitudes: Muslims believe that they can fight but only for a good reason e.g. their faith. War may be permitted to aid justice, freedom, to oppose oppression or if in self-defence. However, if there is any possibility of avoiding war then these steps must be taken first. To Muslims the main war is with themselves trying to be a good Muslim. The word for this struggle is jihad The Qur’an says that if Muslims use too much force against opponents then they will be judged badly by Allah on the Day of Judgment

Reasons a Muslim can go to war to defend their faith: The Qur’an teaches that they can fight if they are attacked Muhammad himself fought in wars Many of the statement made by the Prophet allow Muslims to fight in just wars The Qur’an teaches that anyone who dies in a just war will go to heaven

A NON-religious organisation which works for world peace: The United Nations The UN is made up of around 200 countries. The main aim is to reduce the causes of war, to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among countries, to help countries develop economically and socially. It does this by: Having organisations to alleviate suffering e.g UNICEF, World Health Organisation Preventing conflicts from happening by providing diplomats to act as a go between Supplying a force (army) to keep the peace between 2 groups Trying to iron out any history of dispute to prevent war coming about

Test yourself Give 4 reasons why the Iraq war started Who is involved in the Middle East war and what is it mainly over? What does just war mean? What does pacifism mean? What are the 2 Christian attitudes to war? Give 2 reasons why a Christian may think war might be acceptable Give 2 reasons why Christians may be pacifists What does jihad mean? What conditions would a Muslim say means they can go to war? Give 4 reasons why Muslims think that they can go to war

Bullying – one of the most common types of conflict Is often when someone or a group frighten and intimidate people who they see are weaker than themselves Often happens at school leaving victims staying away from school, being upset and in extreme cases, committing suicide Examples include: name calling, physical harm, damaging property, telling lies about someone Bullying Society is based on respect and people have the right to live without the fear of others. Schools have anti-bullying policies, in the work place there are trade unions, ChildLine is a free service which offers guidance and support People bully for a number of reasons: Problems at home They have been a victim of bullying Wanting to look tough Low self-esteem Most people are against bullying and the law protects people from mental and physical harm. It can lead to prison sentences

ALL religious people think that bullying is always WRONG

Muslim reasons why bullying is wrong Muhammad defended people who were considered weaker in society and religious people must follow his example. They see using violence without a just cause as sinful, and bullying always involves unjust violence The Qur’an teaches that harming other people will bring bad results in your life after death. They see human beings as a creation of God-bullying is mistreating God’s creation. The Qur’an teaches that it is the duty of religious people to protect the weak and innocent.

Christians reasons to be against bullying Jesus defended those bullied by society and so Christians should follow his example and do what they can to prevent it They see using violence without a just cause as sinful, and bullying always involves unjust violence. ‘Love thy neighbour’ In Romans St Paul taught that Christian love means that they should never hurt anyone or do them wrong The Bible teaches that harming other people will bring bad results in your life after death. They see human beings as a creation of God-bullying is mistreating God’s creation. Christians have set up the charity The Children’s Society which help children facing danger – including those being bullied

Same sex relationships – forbidden in many religions but it doesn’t stop people from having those feelings Arranged marriages – children may not want one or disagree with their parent’s choice Dress – especially in Western society, people may want to dress like their friends not traditionally Religious conflict (arguments) within families Attitudes to sexual relationships – many religions ban sexual contact before marriage but the children in the family may have a different attitude Food – especially in a non-religious society people may not want to be traditional and the family can fall out

Christianity and Reconciliation and Forgiveness Attitudes: Christians believe that it is their duty to try to bring reconciliation between families and friends who are in conflict It is a Christian’s duty to forgive those who attack them. Nevertheless, Christians believe that a conflict about morality or religion would not be resolvable if, for example, the children were following Christian teachings and the parents were not. Reasons: Jesus died on the cross to bring reconciliation and forgiveness. Jesus told Peter to forgive his brother up to 77 times. Jesus said that if Christians do not forgive others, they will not be forgiven themselves. St Paul said that Christians should try to live in peace with everyone The Lord’s Prayer says “Forgive those who sin against us”

Islam, Reconciliation and Forgiveness Attitudes: Islam teaches that Muslims should try to resolve conflicts They are taught that they should be forgiving to those who cause them offence. Nevertheless, Muslims believe that a conflict about morality or religion would not be resolvable if, for example, the children were following Islamic teachings and the parents were not. Reasons: God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, so Muslims should also be forgiving. How can Muslims ask God’s forgiveness on the Last Day if they are not prepared to forgive people? The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive those who offend them. Muhammad said in many Hadiths that Muslims should be forgiving.

Test yourself Give 2 reasons why someone may bully someone Give 2 reasons for religious conflict within families What is the Christians and Muslims attitude towards bullying? Give 2 reasons for this attitude When may Muslims and Christians say it may not be possible to forgive? Give 2 reasons why Christians think forgiveness and reconciliation is important Give 2 different reasons why Muslims think that forgiveness and reconciliation is important

Now go back over anything you were not sure about