Solar Radiation Measurements and Object Scattering
The Color of Skin Color of skin doesn’t effect the way each wavelength reflects Only the amount of radiation differs in different skin colors Caucasians like Stephen have skin that reflects more radiation than darker races like Tian and Narayan
Objects with Colors The yellow can and blue book reflect with more radiation than the others The book is centered around the blue and the can has its max near yellow.
Organic Plant Material The holly and the bush have similar spectrums but the holly has weaker radiation than the bush The lily flower has a strong maximum in the red and then a weaker one in the blue it also has a similar structure in the near infrared as the holly leaf
Differences in Red Both reflect strongly near 640 nm which denotes the reddish color The flower has a second maximum near the 450 nm band which would mean there is also more of a blue color explaining the pinkish hue The red coffee cup appears to have less reflected radiation but has close to only one maximum which makes it more red than the lily flower.
Morning Solar spectrum At 7:48 am the spectrum was similar to that of the 8:19 am but at 8:16 am it was stronger From 8:30 and on there was a weaker solar spectrum These changes are from the differing amounts of cloud cover that existed The more clouds there were the more the light was scattered to our eyes/instruments At 748 however it was cloudy but the clouds were thicker and the radiation was getting slightly more attenuated in the cloud
Morning Spectrum
9:05 Increase in Solar Spectrum At 9:00 am to 9:05 am the solar spectrum increased but by 9:10 am it began to decrease towards the point it was at 8:52 am On the next slide the visible reason is that the sun is to the east and the clouds above reflect/scatter the light towards our eyes/instruments
9:05 Increase in Solar Spectrum
Midday Cirrus Clouds 12:28 pm is stronger than 12:08 pm before it but as well as 13:08 pm after it The cirrus clouds that were around due to the contrails from airplanes caused the change One contrail crossed overhead and scattered the radiation towards our instruments
Midday Cirrus Clouds