Governors’ Conferences The Changing Relationship 7 July 2011
Talking Points 1.Diversity 2.Challenge 3.Weaker schools 4.A school-led, self improving system 5.The whole system 6.Resources 7.Services
Diversity The Local Authority, within its responsibilities for the planning of school places and the organisation of the school sector, needs to ensure diversity of provision in each local area. It needs to retain its stance of ‘neutrality’ relative to school status but welcome a wider range of schools that is available locally to parents.
Challenge In its desire to champion excellence in all schools and to champion the interests of children and parents, the Local Authority will challenge all schools to achieve the best possible quality. It will have a particular focus on disadvantaged groups There will continue to be Elected Member involvement
Weaker Schools The Local Authority will more vigorously pursue the improvement of weaker schools – including satisfactory schools It will do all it can to effect improvements in academies that are not serving the interests of children and young people as well as they should be.
A school-led, self improving system The Local Authority strongly supports the development of the new system. It will use its knowledge, experience and skills to foster its development and support NLEs, LLEs, SLEs and teaching schools.
The whole system The Local Authority will continue to promote partnership working of all organisations, locally, which seek to improve outcomes for children. It will continue to develop systems to keep children safe.
Resources A deliberate attempt to secure resources for social care and support to schools Few staff reductions but some period of bedding in of new people in new jobs
Services Most services that can be sold already are – in the region of £55m worth of business a year. Services sold outside Hampshire will contribute to the quality of services in Hampshire. Non-academies will not subsidise academies Innovative models are being explored Never likely to be cheap but excellence should come as standard