Title of Project Participants and Tutor Collect photos of group members
Storm Effects on Technology Compass navigation is disrupted Short wave radio signals are distorted and lost Magnetic exploration is not possible Electrical utilities are damaged Pipe lines are corroded GPS accuracy is reduced Airline travel over poles becomes dangerous Low earth orbit spacecraft in polar orbits are degraded Satellite solar cells are degraded Spacecraft charging becomes a problem Deep dielectric charging by killer electrons destroys electronics Solar wind monitors can be blacked out Humans in space can be irradiated
Many Outstanding Scientific Questions Does the Dst index truly represent the ring current? Why is the ring current so asymmetric during main phase? What is the role of the solar wind density in storm growth? In which storms is energetic oxygen injected? Where does storm oxygen come from and how is it energized? Are substorms necessary for storm development? Does steady magnetospheric convection occur during storms? Are sawtooth injections important to storm development What magnetospheric processes allow convection fields to reach the magnetic equator? Is the development of storms dependent on time history of the solar wind, i.e. is the storm response to solar wind nonlinear? Are there secular trends in the characteristics of storms? How do the properties of storms change with the solar cycle? Does storm development depend on season and universal time?
Solar Cycle Variations in Storms Is there a difference between storms at solar minimum and maximum? –Do solar minimum storms have a different time development? –Are storms at minimum weaker? –Do these storms last longer? –Are these storms more predictable? –Does the occurrence rate of substorms, SMC, Sawtooths in different phases of a storm change with solar cycle? –Why are there more killer electrons at solar minimum –Why is there a strong semiannual and universal time variation in occurrence and size of storms at solar minimum? –What physical effects are the cause of the semiannual variation in Dst? –What effects do Alfen waves in high speed streams have on storms?
Some General and Historic References