Journal #1: Take out your HW and journals! 1. Why study history? 2. What tools do historians use to study history? Primary Sources: Firsthand accounts from the time period 3. What primary source from your own life did you choose and why?
20 th century began with great promise Technology, inventions Wright Brothers, 1903 Edison, Ford Science Darwin, Mendel, Marie Curie, Freud Mass culture and entertainment
However… One of the deadliest centuries in human history Some stats: About 180 million people killed from war in the 20 th century Genocide, nuclear threats Contradiction between this and more democracy and human rights
Three Major Themes/Ideas Industrialization: Growth of industries for the machine production of goods Nationalism: Belief in loyalty to one’s nation (people with a shared culture and history) Imperialism: Strong nations dominating weaker nations politically, economically, or socially
The Industrial Revolution What is a revolution? Does technology and machinery improve or worsen our lives? Why? Defend your answer.
Industrialization Look at the map on pg. 281: Which countries do you think industrialized first? Why? What factors lead to industrialization?
The Industrial Revolution Began in England in the 1700’s Industrialization Machine mass production of goods Requires land, labor (people to work), capital (money), and natural resources (rivers, forests…) Good economy and stable government New inventions, transportation
Positive or Negative? Group 1: Read and answer Docs. 1,2,3,7 Group 2: Read and answer Docs. 4,5,6,8 Are your documents mainly positive or negative effects of industrialization? Make a list of the effects and why they are negative/positive.
Journal #2 Take out your HW and journals! It was said that… “The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire” 1.What do you know about the British Empire? 2. Take a guess: what do you think this quote means? Hint: Look at the map on pg. 337 of your textbook
British Empire at the Height of its Power 1920’s ¼ of world’s pop.
Rule, Britannia! Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves Britons never, never, never shall be slaves. Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves. Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.
Imperialism: Essential Questions Imperialism: Seizure (taking) of a country or territory (land) by a stronger country Strong nations dominating weaker nations politically, economically, or socially What were the social, political, and economic causes of imperialism? How did the imperialists control and manage their colonies? What were the effects of imperialism?
Journal #3 Take out your journals and HW! 1. If you wanted to control someone smaller or weaker than you, how could you do it? What methods might you use? 2. What might happen to them after you have dominated their lives? 3. Is this ever morally justified (morally right)? Why or why not?
Scramble for Africa European countries want to build empires! How it starts: Explorers and missionaries, trade Then: Belgium takes the Congo (1880’s) How did Europeans take control? Technology: Steamboats and maxim gun Medicine: Quinine to combat malaria Took advantage of African diversity and rivalries Berlin Conference ( ) to prevent wars
Africa Before and After 1870 c. 1914
Where? Not just Africa Britain in India, trading in China French and Dutch in Southeast Asia US in the Philippines and Hawaii Not just Europeans Japan took over Korea in 1910
Vocabulary: Nationalism Social Darwinism Paternalism Assimilation Directions: Choose a vocabulary word above and complete the Four Corners Chart. You will be sharing with a partner!
Journal #4 Based on your research for homework last night, how powerful do you think your country is? Do you think your country will be successful in getting as much of the best territory as it can at the Berlin Conference today?
Berlin Conference Simulation Order for choosing territory: 1. Portugal 2. Britain 3. France 4. Belgium 5. Germany 6. Italy