Mesh Simplification
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplifications Current Techniques The Projet Results
Introduction What’s a mesh? Vertices, edges, polygones Manifold (machine are able to make it) Non-manifold Meshes usage Scientific imaging, movies, games… Common problems Stocking, rendering, data transferts…
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplification Current Techniques The Project Results
Mesh Simplification Idea Remove « negligeable » elements Caracteristics Fidelity to original morphology Topology Re-exploitation
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplification Current Techniques The Project Results
Current Techniques Decimation Contraction Clustering Progressive Mesh Statistics Wavelets, fractals,…
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplification Current Techniques The Project Results
The Project (1) Studies on current techniques Schroeder, Lorensen, Zarge Garland, Heckbert Implementation C/C++ OpenGL GLUT, GLUI
The Project (2) Bounds Triangulated meshes Implemented triangulations methods Triangle Fan Triangle Strip Optimal solution Delaunay’s Triangulation
Triangulation : Triangle Fan
Triangulation : Triangle Strip
The Project (3) Method 1: Edge Contraction Edge Length Distance criteria Percentage How many vertices to remove? Cardinality ordering Stronger Weaker Goal : avoid « dumb » mesh browsing
Cardinalities, examples
The Project (4) Method 2: QEM Quadric Error Metric One error value per vertex Create valid vertices pairs Compute the contraction cost Percentage How many vertices to remove?
The Project (5) Method 2: QEM p = [a b c d] T, ax + by +cz +d = 0 Δ(v) = Σ p Є plans (v) (p T v) ² Δ(v) = Σ p Є plans (v) (v T p) (p T v) = Σ p Є plans (v) v T (pp T ) v = v T [ Σ p Є plans (v) Kp] v
The Project (6) Méthode 2: QEM (suite) a² ab ac ad Kp = pp T = ab b² bc bd ac bc c² cd ad bd cd d² Q = Σ p Є plans (v) Kp
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplification Current Techniques The Project Results
ReductionTime(s) 10% % %1.051 « cow.obj » model (5804 faces) Method 1 ReductionTime(s) 10% % %3.825 « cow.obj » model (5804 faces) QEM
Plan Introduction Mesh Simplification Current Techniques The Project Results The
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