Task 3.4. Validation of horizontal solutions Fire and mechanical characterization
Reaction to Fire Tests EN I.Fire validation Test criteria Determines whether a material fuels a fire. The EU Reaction to fire evaluation criteria are: the material’s ignitability, rate of heat release, rate of spread of flame, rate of smoke emission, toxic gas emission, flaming droplets/particles and/or a combination of these safety aspects. Fire reaction requirements: B fl -s2 or E fl (depending on the type of building) B-s3d0 (suspended ceiling), SBI test Contribution to fire BVery limited contribution E Significant contribution to flashover Smoke production s2middle smoke production s3High smoke production Flaming dropletsd0 no production of flaming droplets or particles
Ignitability test EN ISO Determination of the burning behaviour of floorings, using a radiant heat source EN ISO Single Burning Item test EN (recommended but not required for raised floors). If this test is performed, panels could be also employed for other applications, such as suspended ceilings. Standard Number of samples Number of 500x500 mm panels Dimensions (mm) of test samples EN ISO x 90 EN ISO x 230 EN x x 495 Tests to be performed:
EN Heat and smoke release rates are measured instrumentally and physical characteristics are assessed by observation. EN EN The test specimen is placed in a horizontal position below a gas-fired radiant panel inclined at 30° where it is exposed to a defined heat flux. A pilot flame is applied to the hotter end of the specimen. The test determines the ignitability of a vertically oriented test specimen when exposed to a small flame, either at the edge or the surface of the specimen.
Resistance to fire EN Test criteria Fire resistance tests evaluate the behaviour of the elements used in the construction sector when exposed to fire, assessing the period of time during which these elements continue to fulfill the roles for which they were designed in case of fire. ClassificationTime of exposure (min) R1530 RE30 REI30 R. The structural element should not collapse or deflect beyond the permitted levels when subjected to the applied load. E. The integrity of the room must be maintained. No breakthrough of flames is permitted. I. The temperature on the non-exposed side of the structural element must not rise more than 140° C above ambient as an average measurement and no more than 180° C at any one location. Fire resistance requirements
EN Fire is applied below raised access floors between the underside of the raised floor and the upper side of the structural floor slab. Tests to be performed Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 6: Raised access and hollow core floors EN :2005 Fire resistance tests. Part 1: General Requirements EN (Experimental test, not required for classification) Standard Number of samples Number of 500x500 mm panels Dimensions (mm) of test samples EN x 4000
Fire reaction tests 2980 euros (2 samples) -UNE EN ISO :2011 -UNE EN ISO :2011 Fire reaction tests 2980 euros (2 samples) -UNE EN ISO :2011 -UNE EN ISO :2011 Experimental test EN euros (1 sample) Experimental test EN euros (1 sample) Fire reaction test 1950 euros (1 sample) UNE-EN 13823:2012 Fire reaction test 1950 euros (1 sample) UNE-EN 13823:2012 Design of the facade Fire resistance tests Change material? Certification test UNE EN : euros (1 sample) Certification test UNE EN : euros (1 sample) Change final application i.e. ventilated facade Change final application i.e. ventilated facade
TestNumber of tests Static load (steel cube in 3 different positions)3 (x4) Pedestal vertical load testNot defined Permanent deformation test on element2 Dynamic load (in the weakest point of the panel) Hard body impact load (steel indentor in 3 different positions) Soft body impact load 1 1 Measurement of dimensions3 Peel resistance? 2 Total number of samples24 II. Mechanical validation (EN 12825) Static load Pedestal load test Dynamic load
Next 6 months activities within WP3 1.Fire reaction tests (repeat tests with new panels?) 2.Fire resistance tests 3.Mechanical validation 4.Deliverable Validation of horizontal solutions (month 30?)
Task 3.4. Validation of horizontal solutions Fire and mechanical characterization
Mechanical validation Static load test: – Panels mounted in the particular pedestals as would be on site – Stringers shall be included with another fixing elements. – Indentor: 25mm steel cube with rounded corners – 4 tests in different points of the panel: At the centre of the weakest edge At the centre of the panel At a diagonal 70 mm from the edge of a pedestal head
Pedestal vertical load test: – The requirements for the test results: The understructure has to support 4 times the working load of the system tested The pedestal may not become distorted or damaged. – Indentor: 50 x 50 mm – Same fixing as intended to be use in practice. – The test has to be performed to the worst conditions of work Permanent deformation test on element – As a result of the test after the application of 30 min of a test load, the residual deflection 5 min after the removal of the load shall not exceed 0,5mm. – Test made at the weakest point of the panel. – Working load is applied by a 25 mm cube.
Dynamic loading: – Hard body impact: In the test a steel indentor with a mass of 4,5 kg and with a 50mm hemispherical end shall be dropped inside a guide tube from a height of 600mm in three diferrent positions and the panel shall not collapse Result is given as Pass or Fail – Soft boy impact: The indentor is a flat bottomed canvas bag containing dried sand 2 to 4 mm diameter and with a mass of 40 kg. The filled bag shall be dropped on to the test panel from a height of 1 at three points of the panel and the panel shall not collapse. – In both test the result is given as pass or fail and sufficient free space shall be available under the test panel to permit the indentors to penetrate the panel in case of failure.
Sampling and preparation for dimensional measurement – Length of panel sides – Squareness of the panel – Straightness of sides horizontally – Thickness of the panel – Panel twist Peel resistance – In the test a steel indentor with a mass of 4,5 kg and with a 50mm hemispherical end shall be dropped inside a guide tube from a height of 600mm in three diferent positions and the panel shall not collapse