ESRC Research Seminar Series : Researching the lives of disabled Social Policy and Disabled Children in Wales Keith Bowen Contact a Family Wales
Approx. 3 million people live in Wales Child poverty and people “lacking but wanting work” persistent problems Poor figures but approx. 43,000 disabled children 8,000 severely disabled children Increased powers since 2006
Key Themes Social policy for disabled children and young people in Wales since devolution Involving disabled young people in policy development Wales based research
Social Policy in Wales Main Phases Evidence gathering Developing a distinctive Wales policy agenda Monitoring of implementation Evaluation of impact
Social Policy in Wales Evidence gathering Numerous Assembly Committees since 1999 Health and Social Services Committee 3 Education Committees Equality of Opportunity Committee Health, Wellbeing and Local Government Committee Government response Evidence from disabled young people and parents
Social Policy in Wales Welsh Assembly Government policy and legislation A distinct body of Welsh social policy, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 7 Core aims for children
Social Policy in Wales Children First (2000) Children’s NSF (2005) Children and Young People Specialised Services Project (2008) We are on our way (2008) The Future of Statementing ? Distinctive and progressive
Outcomes Monitoring and evaluation Children’s NSF Self Audit Tool Reports consistently put disabled children as the weakest area of service delivery Very useful data but not fully utilised and followed up with more detailed research
Outcomes Monitoring and evaluation Children and Young People’s Plans – all 22 local authorities required to produce 3 year plans A number of key areas specific to disabled children and young people, but limited detailed information
Involving disabled children and young people 'Rights into Action' the first International Congress for Young Disabled People held in Swansea in 2003 Equality of Opportunity Committee Inquiry into Service Provision for Disabled Young People Children’s NSF reports
Involving disabled children and young people Children In Wales Young Disabled Persons’ Network Mencap Cymru Partners in Politics Barnardo’s Cymru Participation unit
Wales research Limited research Contact a Family Wales Wheelchair services, Continence Supplies, Disabled Facilities Grants Independent living Children’s Commissioner for Wales Inclusive play National Childminding Association Child care
Wales research Lack of robust research data on the lives of disabled children and young people Limited research on the delivery and impact of social policy initiatives Difficulty determining effectiveness of policy and spending Disabled children not represented in existing research networks
Despite desire to develop a distinctly Welsh approach, policy agenda broadly similar to other UK countries Basic model not altered substantially since 1980s Lack of systematic, robust research data reflects failure to focus on delivery and impact of social policy
Opportunities Engage LDAN and Children’s Research Networks in developing a programme of research focussed specifically on disabled children and the outcomes of social policy in Wales Comparative research on the outcomes of differing social policy in the four nations
Thank you for listening Keith Bowen Contact a Family Wales