Developing Youth mental health services
The Story May 2010: Killarney Youth Summit: Young person inclusive, International declaration on Youth mental health Youth Conference Birmingham (Oct 2010) CLARHC Initial Problem Solving Session: Systematic Review of Young peoples Views on Mental Health in Britain 10 years of lobbying by youth movement…… “How many times do we have to tell you” (NAC)
Why Youth Mental Health? 75% of mental health disorders commence before 24 yrs of age (Kessler et al 2005) “the surge of new morbidity between the ages of 15 and 25 is paired with the worst access to services, the system is weakest where it needs to be strongest.” (McGorry,2009) Most transitions are poorly planned, poorly executed and poorly experienced (Singh et al 2010)
Why a systematic review? How good is the evidence? Whose evidence? Relevance to UK? Cornerstone of any proposed service developments
“A systematic review of studies of young peoples views of services available for people with mental health problems!” Research question Research protocol (SCIE) Title and abstract screening Paper screening Hand searches Quality evaluation / data extraction Initial findings Final narrative Write up and submission
Initial findings
studysetting age range gend erethnicitysamplingnumberstudy designmethodanalysis Biddle 2004general popn16-24Bn/krandom3004quantquestionnairet tests Biddle 2006general popn16-24Bmixedstratified22qualinterview grounded theory Biddle 2007 gen pop& distressed young people B? self- selected23qualinterview grounded theory Fortune 2008 Adolescents viewsschool B??5293mixed questionnaire - self- report open coding system, grounded theory, Qrs Nvivo Fortune 2008 Help-seekingschool15-16Brangen/k2954qualquestionnairethematic Fox 2007school11 to 16Bnk self- selected 415 (63 in focus groups)qual focus group and questionnairethematic Neale 2009general popn14 to 22B south asian, afrocaribb ean self selected35qualin depth interviewthematic Paul 2008general popn14-16Bmixedself selcted1129mixedquestionnairechi squared Randhawa 2007school13 to 16b south asian/whit estratified95mixed focus group/semi structured interview descriptive stats Studies of views of young people, who have not used mental health services. (9936 young people questionnaires, 238 qualitative)
And what they said, ordered by weight of evidence: Key themes: school main source support/information. Do not see GP or mental health services as relevant for mental health problems
Studies of views of young people, who have used mental health services (total n=625)
And what they said, ordered by weight of evidence Key themes: flexibility, continuity, inclusion, family work, community based, information
Research Into Practice BLOCKS: Research said: CAMH and AMH barriers incl. Managerial/funding streams Research said: Lack of young people involved in service development Trust Transformation/CSIP Lack of stakeholder commitment across agencies SOLUTIONS: Scoping meetings with CAMHS Development of working group with CAMH, Consultants and Managers using local data To Set up a working party (YPPI) to develop a young person advisors group (U-think) Engage Senior Managers/Board, trust 5 yr plan and under 17’s Regional network and stakeholder conference
But what happens when it becomes a reality?