Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal ROLLING SEED PLAN Department of Agriculture Govt. of West Bengal
Role of State Govt. in RSP 1. Detail RSP has been submitted to the GOI. 2. Explained different seed producing sectors about their roles in RSP. 3. Indenting, lifting and distributing Breeder seed as per RSP. 4. Seed Certification and Testing 5. Monitoring of progress of RSP
Availability of Breeder Seed in Kharif 2014 Name of the Crop Indent of Breeder Seed (in Qtl) Availability of Breeder Seed (in Qtl) Quantity variety notified during last 10 years in Qtl Expected Production of Foundation Seed (in Qtl) Paddy 92.00 106.95 33.55( 31%) 8310.00 Black Gram 4.50 2.52 0.60 (24%) 92.50 Green Gram 1.23 1.84 0.08 (5%) 65.00 Pigeon Pea 8.00 5.54 500.00 Ground-nut 160.00 35.6 23.5 (66%) 282.00 Sesame 0.04 0.09 0.05 (56%) 180.00 Jute 0.92 1.32 0.60 (46%) 130.00
INDENT OF BREEDER SEEDS FOR RABI-2015-16 CROP INDENT (In Qtl) Quantity of variety notified during last 10 years in Qtl ( %) WHEAT 75.00 19.0 (25%) BENGAL GRAM 3.00 1.3 (33%) LENTIL 4.50 1.4 (31%) LETHYRUS 1.00 RAPE SEED & MUSTARD 1.80 0.75 (42%) POTATO 4280.00 170 (4%)
Indented Breeder Seeds of New Varieties for Rabi 2015-16. Sl. No. Name of the Crop Variety with year of Notification 1. Wheat Pusa Basant (2011), Pusa Prachi (2011), Raj 4120 (2009), HD2967 (2014), DBW39 (2010), Shatabdi (2007). 2. Rapeseed & Mustard Pitambari (2010), NRCYS 0502 (2009), YSH0401 (2009), Pusa Mustard 26(2011). 3. Potato Kufri Chipsona 3 (2006),Kufri Himsona(2008), Kufri Himalini (2006),Kufri Arun (2006), Kufri Chipsona 4.
Foundation Seed (in Qtl) Certified Seed (in Qtl) Achievement in kharif 2014 in Foundation and Certified Seed Availability Crop Foundation Seed (in Qtl) Certified Seed (in Qtl) Requirement Availibility Paddy 9815.00 9814.00 460000.00 779204.00 Maize 40.00 6500.00 Black Gram 172.00 190.00 4125.00 6743.00 Green Gram 39.00 53.00 2700.00 2739.00 Pegion Pea 296.00 342.00 500.00 2729.00 Ground-nut 467.00 19350.00 Sesame 6.00 1370.00 1418.00 Jute 76.00 28980.00
Availability of Breeder Seed for Rabi & Rabi Summer-2014-15. Name of the Crop Indent (in Qtl). Allotment Received from GOI/Available in the State (in Qtl) Quantity of variety notified during last 10 years in Qtl ( %) Paddy 40.00 22.0 (55%) Wheat 78.00 42.50 8.0 (19%) Black Gram 1.50 0.5 (33%) Green Gram Bengal Gram 1.70 1.20 (71%) Lentil 4.08 1.28 (31%) Rapeseed & Mustard 1.48 7.28 0.2 ( 3%) Toria 0.20 6.90 Sesame 0.12 0.09 (75%) Potato 2498.00 1250.00 8.0 (0.6 %)
Requirement of Foundation Seed as per Seed Rolling Plan & Arrangement thereof for Rabi-2014-15 Name of the Crop Requirement for 2014-15 (Qtl) Availability in 2014-15 (Qtl) Shortage/Surplus in 2014-15(Qtl) Remarks Paddy 4163.00 4265.00 (+) 102.00 No Shortage Wheat 1352.00 400.90 (-) 951.10 WBSSC & Pvt. will supply shortage quantity Black Gram 184.00 167.00 (-) 17.0 Bengal Gram 50.00 66.00 (+) 16.00 No shortage Green Gram 60.00 52.00 (-) 8.00 Khesari 182.00 151.00 (-) 31.00 Lentil 149.00 335.00 (+) 186.00 Ground-nut 650.00 122.40 (-) 527.60 Rapeseed & Mustard 441.00 (+) 274.00 Sesame 22.00 83.00 (+) 61.00 Potato 12837.00 5193.70 (-)7643.30
Requirement for 2014-15 (Qtl) Availability in 2014-15 (Qtl) Requirement of Certified Seed as per Seed Rolling Plan & Arrangement thereof for Rabi-2014-15 Name of the Crop Requirement for 2014-15 (Qtl) Availability in 2014-15 (Qtl) Shortage/ Surplus in 2014-15 Remarks Paddy 563000.00 565050.00 (+) 2050.00 No Shortage Wheat 177600.00 169979.00 (-) 7621.00 WBSSC & Pvt. will supply shortage quantity Black Gram 3000.00 4646.00 (+) 1646.00 No shortage Bengal Gram 6800.00 6200.00 (-) 600.00 Green Gram 540.00 979.00 (+) 439.00 Khesari 5775.00 ─ Lentil 9520.00 Ground-nut 19350.00 18550.00 (-) 800.00 Rape Seed & Mustard 14240.00 16038.00 (+) 1798.00 Maize 6500.00 Potato 2680000.00 2445948.90 (-)234051.10 Sesame 3880.00 3975.00 (+) 95.00
Availability of Certified Seed under Govt Availability of Certified Seed under Govt.Organizations & others during Rabi 2014-2015. Crops Requirement (Qtls) Availability (Qtl) Availability under Govt. Organizations Availability under 0ther Organizations Paddy 563000.00 565050.00 248221.00 316829.00 Wheat 177600.00 169979.00 82556.00 87423.00 Black Gram 3000.00 4646.00 1837.00 2809.00 Bengal Gram 6800.00 6200.00 2991.00 3209.00 Green Gram 540.00 979.00 ─ Khesari 5775-00 5775.00 1588.00 4187.00 Lentil 9520.00 4345.00 5175.00 Ground-nut 19350.00 18550.00 5300.00 13250.00 Rape Seed & Mustard 14240.00 16038.00 13628.00 2410.00 Maize 6500.00 980.00 5520.00 Potato 2680000.00 2484949.00 655195.00 1829754.00 Sesame 3880.00 3975.00
Seed Replacement Rate( in %) Name of the Crop Minimum SRR Seed Replacement Rate 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Paddy 33.00 35.03 35.49 36.00 Wheat 46.76 48.00 49.00 Maize 50.00 50.09 51.25 51.50 Bengal Gram 32.62 34.00 38.00 Black Gram 36.88 37.50 Green Gram 37.00 Khesari 50.15 50.22 51.00 Lentil 33.06 35.00 Pigeon Pea 46.50 50.50 Ground-nut 44.63 45.53 46.00 Rape Seed & Mustard 50.17 52.00 Sesame 37.59 38.04 38.50 Jute 80.36 80.50 80.75 Potato 30.73 33.50
Trial with newly notified varieties of Rapeseed &Mustard Sl. no. Name of Variety Source Year of Notification 1 NRCYS-05-02 DRMR, Bharatpur, Rajasthan 2009 2. PITAMBARI (RYSK-05-02) CSAUA & T, Kanpur, UP 2010 3. YSH 0401 CCS, HAU, Hisar 4. PUSHA MUSTARD 26 ( NPJ -113) IARI, RS, Karnal 2011
CONSTRAINTS 1. Indented Breeder Seed is not always available during lifting. 2. Due to draught like situation in some parts of W.B., Kharif seed production may be hampered to some extent.
SUGGESTIONS Provision may be made for delivering less quantity of indented Breeder Seed by the producing institutions through parcel. SMR of Potato is 1:4. As productivity of seed potato is high in W.B. , the SMR may be increased to ensure better participation of the growers. SMR of Paddy may be increased in case of SRI As desired by GOI, Breeder seeds should have seeds standard more or equal to the standard of Foundation seeds – so, Breeder seeds may be tested from notified STL before distribution. 5. Validy of Seed Certification should be 9 months from date of HARVEST not from date of TEST as of now.
Sub-Mission for Seed & Planting Materials. Proposals to be submitted to Govt. of India:- Strengthening for Seed Quality Control. Strengthening of GOT facilities. Seed treatment. Support for R&D, contract Research and acquisition of New Varietal Products. Strengthening of Seed Farms. Seed Village. Certified Seed Production through Seed Villages. Seed Processing Plant. Seed Storage. Assistance for maintenance for Breeder seed. National Seed Reserve. Application of Bio-technology in Agriculture.