Information Sources for Engineering Ethics Dan Sich Allyn and Betty Taylor Library
What we will cover finding a case study finding supporting information (library) citing sources
Challenges of the case study Finding a case involves Professional Engineers in Ontario real, current original (not already analysed) How will you find a case? Writing it up critical analysis (support your argument) citations (avoiding plagiarism)
Information Needs background, theory & topics in engineering ethics similar ethical case studies & analysis practical application of ethics newsworthy events & details
Search tools & info sources Google: organization web sites (practical application) professional publication articles (practical application) library catalogue: book chapters (background, theory) *databases: newspapers & magazine articles (news, details) scholarly/academic journal articles (examples) conference proceedings articles (examples)
News databases *Canadian Newsstand easy to use CBCA Business includes industry & trade publications LexisNexis most comprehensive
Journal article databases *Ei Compendex and Inspec Applied Science & Technology Abstracts
Citing your references in the text: Why? avoid plagiarism help support your argument
Citing your references in the text: What? Everything you quote, reproduce or paraphrase Everything you used as a source of information that you mention
Citing your references in the text: How? Use Chicago Style or Turabian Endnotes – Bibliography system Use an endnote 2 for citations in the text (in the order cited) Use the bibliography to list alphabetically all the references you consulted
INTRODUCTION BODY: Your arguments i.e.: Characteristics of effective engineering design teams include … 3 CONCLUSION NOTES 3. N. J. Delson, “Increasing team motivation in engineering design courses,” International Journal of Engineering Education 17, no. 4-5 (2001): 359. BIBLIOGRAPHY Delson, N. J. “Increasing team motivation in engineering design courses.” International Journal of Engineering Education 17 no. 4-5 (2001):
Book Use author’s full name, if known Italicize title of the book Capitalize all major words in the title For notes, indent the first line: #. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), Page. For bibliography, use a hanging indent: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.
Journal Article Italicize journal name Give page numbers for article For journals with continuous pagination, don’t use issue # If there are more than four authors, list only the first author followed by et al. E.g., Charlie Farquharson et al. For notes, indent the first line: #. Firstname Lastname, “Title of article,” Title of journal volume (year): page number. For bibliography, use a hanging indent: Lastname, Firstname. “Title of article.” Title of journal volume (year): page range.
Website Include both date published and date retrieved If no personal author is given, use the organization that created the website. For notes, indent the first line: #. Firstname Lastname, Title of web page, Date published, (accessed September 20, 2010). For bibliography, use a hanging indent: Lastname, Firstname. Title of web page. Date published, (accessed September 20, 2010).
Interview For notes, indent the first line: #. Firstname Lastname, (P.Eng., Company Name), telephone interview with the author, Month DD, YYYY. Unpublished interviews should be cited in the endnotes, but can be omitted from the bibliography. See the manual for details.
Eng Sci 4498 library page has… proper reference format (copy & paste) for Code of Ethics link to full text of Professional Engineers’ Act of Ontario (contains Code of Ethics)
How to find the Chicago or Turabian Style Manuals Taylor reference LB2369.T Weldon reference Z253.C Western Libraries Citing & Writing Style Guides
Formula to success: Get an early start talk to an engineer ask instructor if case study topic is appropriate think critically (argument, supporting info) take good notes and save your references pay attention to detail + trust the Chicago/Turabian manual get a good grade.
Getting more help Research Help in Taylor Library Subject line: Eng Sci 4498