Introduction to the ILSGateway February, 2011
Presentation Overview Background to the Integrated Logistics System (ILS) Objectives of the ILSGateway Key Data Items System Features Sample Screen Shots Summary Questions
What is the ILS? The Integrated Logistics System is a system for managing various categories of products, which used to be managed vertically, using a single set of procedures. The ILS is an indent system where dispensaries, health centers and hospitals order quantities of each product according to their needs and within their budget. The ILS captures the best elements of previously vertical systems, most notably the Indent and Contraceptive systems used for ordering drugs.
Movement of Supplies and Information in the ILS
Current ILS and FP Commodity Challenges Widespread stockouts of RH commodities Irregular ordering Unavailability of facility-level data to decision-makers at higher levels Inability of district-level decision-makers to easily organize stock status data
Additional Need to Ensure Commodity Security A National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (CIP) was launched in March 2010 outlining the next 5 year strategy to increase commodity security (CS). The goal of the CIP is to increase CYP to over 5 million, increase the national contraceptive prevalence rate to over 60% and reduce infant and maternal mortality by The MOHSW and the USAID | DELIVER Project are seeking to provide increased data visibility for family planning commodities in addition to other CS activities they coordinate with the Family Planning working group (FPWG).
What is the ILSGateway? The ILSGateway is a mobile health logistics reporting system that is designed to strengthen the ILS. The system will help expand the accessibility to and visibility of logistics data. This in turn will help to improve the supply chain decision making for all essential health commodities in the ILS.
ILSGateway Objectives 1.Provide real-time stock status information on reproductive health commodities. 2.Improving the timeliness and accuracy of paper- based ordering and reporting from the SDPs. 3.Improve the accuracy and timeliness of deliveries to SDPs by confirming delivery arrival in real-time. 4.Allow decision-makers at all levels to monitor the regularity and spread of facility-level supervision by managers at district and other levels. 5.Prevent widespread emergency ordering that has resulted from other reporting systems by aiding districts and facilities in regular and routine ordering.
Registration (Once) Stock on hand (end of each month) Losses & Adjustments (end of each month) Submission of R&R (end of each quarter) Commodities Receipt (before the end of the quarter) Supervision Receipt (end of each month) Stock Out (periodic – user dependant) Language (periodic – user dependant) Help (periodic – user dependant) Stop (periodic – user dependant) List of SMS Interactions
Key System Data Points Stock on hand of six key reproductive health commodities. Losses and Adjustments of those commodities Whether R&R’s have been submitted to the District. Date of R&R’s submission to the District. Whether facility orders have been received. If facility orders have been received, the date of their receipt. If facilities have received supervision, to enable the Regional Level to monitor the Districts.
Proposed Commodity List for ILSGateway Pilot Combined Oral Contraceptives – Microgynon (COC) Progestogen only Contraceptives – Microval (POP) Copper T IUD (IUCD) Implants (IMPL) Male Condoms (COND) Injectables – Depo-Provera (DEPO)
ILSGateway Operational Framework
Facility staff enter data into personal cell phone Send data as SMS to a toll-free short code (“15018”) Data received and analyzed by web database and then displayed on:
Screenshot Example – District Homepage Alerts to recommend action on stockouts, missing R&R’s Summary graphs Delivery group breakdowns Reporting rates
Screenshot Example – Stock Status List of facilities, arranged by delivery group Stock on hand Stock-out Alert
Screenshot Example – R&R Submission Status R&R submission status R&R submission date Next scheduled delivery
Screenshot Example – Supervisory Tools Supervisory Tools that can be downloaded Supervisory notes
Screenshot Example – Mtwara Facilities Map Map of Facilities in Mtwara Region participating in the pilot
Additional ILSGateway Features will serve as an overall ILS strengthening tool used to monitor the functionality of the entire system. is an open source system built on a platform that the MOHSW will never be asked to lease or purchase. is a sustainable way to strengthen the system as it is both non proprietary and relatively cheap to operate. will empower regional and district level staff by giving them an increased role and responsibility in monitoring and supervising the system. is flexible in that it can be easily adapted system changes as the needed.
ILSGateway Partners
Summary The ILSGateway will introduce a series of innovative additions to complement the existing ILS This system will focus on strengthening the entire ILS, making it more efficient and effective in a sustainable manner. The deployment and pilot of the ILSGateway will focus on reproductive health commodities, with a goal of expanding to additional pharmaceutical products.