Outlining Please keep these notes in your “Writing” section
Outlining See also section 3.0 of the Writing Handbook on page 8
Outlines List of topics that you will cover in an essay In order Labeled according to level of specificity Indented according to level of specificity Incomplete sentences
Outline I. Roman Numerals - Big, General Topics A. Capital Letters - Medium Concepts 1. Arabic Numerals - Details 2. Details a. Lowercase Letters - Specific Details b. Specific Details B. Medium Concepts II. Big Topics
Indenting Notice how each level is indented 1/2 inch with a TAB? If a line of text goes onto the second line of the page, make sure that the words of the second line start at the same place as the words on the first line.
Rules of Outlines You cannot have an “a” without a “b” or a “1” without a “2”. If you only have one thing to write, just add it to the line above. II. Topic A. Category 1. Fact 2. Fact a. detail 3. Fact a. detail b. detail
Other Rules of Outlines Do not simply list ideas, categorize them. You should not get above “E” or “F” Group them instead. II. Topic A. Category B. Category C. Category D. Category E. Category F. Category G. Category
Other Rules of Outlines As with the previous slide, do not list small details and facts in a long list; group them. You should not get above “7” or “8” II. Topics A. Category 1. Fact 2. Fact 3. Fact 4. Fact 5. Fact 6. Fact 7. Fact 8. Fact 9. Fact
Try it out On the back side of your notes, practice making an outline. The subject matter will be in the following pictures. On the following slide, what do you see? This will be a Roman Numeral item. It should be on the left margin.
How did you do? Did you write I. North America Skip nine lines Now pick two more similar items, and write them next to Roman Numeral II and III
Next Step On the line below “I. North America”, indent half an inch and put the next label. Next to the label, write what you see in the next picture.
How did you do? Did you write A. United States of America Skip six lines Now pick two more similar items, and write them next to Capital Letters B and C
Next Step On the line below “A. United States of America”, indent half an inch and put the next label. Next to the label, write what you see in the next picture.
How did you do? Did you write 1. California Skip three lines Now pick two more similar items, and write them next to Arabic Numerals 2 and 3
Next Step On the line below “1. California”, indent half an inch and put the next label. Next to the label, write what you see in the next picture.
How did you do? Did you write a. Los Angeles Now pick two more similar items, and write them next to Lower Case Letters b and c
What if you have more details? If you are writing a very long, fact-filled paper, you can indent one more level and use a dash. a. Los Angeles - North Hollywood - Santa Monica - El Segundo
Earth I. North America A. United States 1. California a. Los Angeles b. San Diego c. Sacramento 2. New York 3. Tennessee B. Mexico C. Honduras II. Africa II. Europe
For Homework Make an Outline of a children’s story you know. It should be items long. Use proper labels and indents. Do not use complete sentences. Be sure to show that you can use all four levels of outline items.