A Parent’s Look at the 8 TH Grade Gateway that awaits your child
What is the Gateway Writing Test What is the difference between Expository and Persuasive writing? How have the students been prepared? What can parents do over the next two months to help prepare for the test?
Two types of writing Expository Persuasive For 8 th grade students ONLY NO CHOICE in the style of writing 100 minutes – start to finish Follows the writing process Must pass the test for promotion Spring opportunity for retake if needed Remediation classes will be offered in the spring if needed
What are the two types of writing? A.Expository & Persuasive B.Expository & Descriptive C.Persuasive & Narrative D.Narrative & Expository Response Counter
How many minutes are students given during the writing test to complete their writing? A.60 B.80 C.90 D.100 Response Counter
8 th Grade students must pass the Gateway Writing Test is a promotion criteria. True False Response Counter
Expository – INFORM – Writing I deas developed with explanations N eeds specific details and examples F ully develops the topic O rganizational strategy R eader’s interest through strong voice M ulti-paragraph writing
Persuasive – PERSUADE – Writing P osition E motional and/or logical appeal R eader engagement S pecific facts or personal experience U se precise language A nticipate audience concerns D efend your position E ffective arguments
True False Response Counter
True False Response Counter
Controlling idea Supporting idea Major details Specific examples and elaboration Supporting ideas (relevant) Relevance of detail Depth of development Awareness of Genre
Overall Plan Introduction/Body/Conclusion Sequence of Ideas Grouping of Ideas Expository or Persuasive Strategies Transitions
Word Choice Audience Awareness Voice Sentence Variety Strategies Appropriate to Expository or Persuasive Writing
SENTENCE FORMATION: correctness, clarity, simple, compound, complex, end punctuation USAGE: sub-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, standard words MECHANICS: internal punctuation, spelling, paragraphs, capitalization
DOs to REMEMBER: DOs – that we DO stress that students DO … DO write 2 PAGES – front and back – NO SKIPPING LINES – especially between paragraphs DO know the style of writing and be sure to do it – Expository or Persuasive DO remember the format for writing a letter DO read the prompt more than once to understand the writing topic. DO brainstorm DO indent all paragraphs DO make sure all paragraphs are at least 5 sentences DO make sure writing is 5 or MORE paragraphs DO write the final copy in BLUE or BLACK ink DO proofread the final copy – use INSERT or SINGLE STRIKE THROUGH DO write legibly.- print or cursive – your choice DO include lots of detail DO use transition words. DO check the CRITERIA – -IDEAS* - DETAILS -ORGANIZATION – PARAGRAPHS – minimum of 5 paragraphs – intro., 3+ body, conclusion -STYLE – VOICE – aka CREATIVITY (adjectives / description) -CONVENTIONS – MECHANICS – spelling, punctuation, paragraphs DO ha ve a GOOD, STRONG Introduction DO MAKE YOUR THESIS statement (main idea) – is your opinion of the topic – without saying “I….” DO have a GOOD Conclusion DO make sure the conclusion is DIFFERENT than the intro with a restatement of your opinion /thesis
A. write 1 PAGE B. know the style of writing and be sure to do it – Expository or Persuasive C. remember the format for writing a letter D. read the prompt more than once to understand the writing topic. E. brainstorm F. indent all paragraphs G. include lots of detail H. MAKE YOUR THESIS statement (main idea) – is your opinion of the topic – without saying “I….” Response Counter
DON’Ts to REMEMBER: DON’Ts – that we DO stress that students NOT DO … DON’T start a sentence with AND or BUT DON’T repeat the same word over and over DON’T use “I think…” “I hope you enjoyed…” “I am going to tell you…” DON’T abbreviate DON’T use etc. DON’T use contractions DON’T write numbers – INSTEAD spell out all numbers DON’T forget to indent all paragraphs – USE a paragraph sign at the beginning of paragraphs if you forget to indent DON’T skip lines between paragraphs DON’T write less than 5 paragraphs DON’T write off topic DON’T forget to READ the prompt more than once to understand the topic DON’T use slang DON’T introduce yourself … DON’T say “My name is…” DON’T use the transitions – FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, LAST DON’T say good bye in the conclusion DON’T use “THE END” DON’T use symbols (like 2 for the word “to”) DON’T draw flowers, circles, or hearts to dot your “i.”
A.start a sentence with AND or BUT B.repeat the same word over and over C.use “I think…” “I hope you enjoyed…” “I am going to tell you…” D.introduce yourself at the beginning of your essay. E.abbreviate F.use etc. G.use contractions H.write numbers – INSTEAD spell out all numbers Response Counter
Prepare Yourself to Write Read the Writing Situation and Directions for Writing carefully. Brainstorm for ideas. Decide what ideas to include and how to organize them. Write only in English. Make Your Paper Meaningful Use your knowledge and/or personal experiences that are related to the topic. Explain, clarify, and define your ideas. Establish a clear controlling idea. Fully develop your controlling idea with specific, supporting details. Organize your ideas in a clear and logical order. Write an expository essay and stay on topic. Make Your Paper Interesting to Read Think about what would be interesting to the reader. Use a lively writing voice that shows your interest in the topic. Use precise, descriptive, vivid words. Vary the type, structure, and length of your sentences. Make Your Paper Easy to Read Indent to start a new paragraph. Use effective transitions. Write in complete and correct sentences. Capitalize, spell, and punctuate correctly. Make sure your subjects and verbs agree. Student Writing Checklist for Gateway Writing
Writing Situation Eighth grade is a transition between middle school and getting ready for high school. Students have many concerns about the expectations and goals the school has for them. Directions for Writing Choose one concern that you have about eighth grade. Write an essay using specific details and reasons why this is a concern for you and how you might deal with it.
Review the writing process using the strategies and ideas Review the handouts in this packet with your child. Choose a prompt to discuss, analyze, brainstorm, and even write with your child Help your child to prepare for the testing day– #2 pencils and blue/black pen Good night sleep Eat breakfast (at least on this day) Be present AND on time