Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 1 Exploring Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 Gaining Proficiency: Editing and Formatting By Robert T. Grauer Maryann Barber
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 2 Overview Editing - change the contents of your document. Formatting - change the appearance of your document. Change basic typography elements such as fonts. Use shortcuts. There are many ways to accomplish the same task.
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 3 Select-Then-Do Cut command Copy command Paste command Drag-and-Drop Clipboard Undo command Redo command
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 4 Find, Replace, and Go To Commands Find command Replace command Selection bar Go To command Case sensitive search Case insensitive search Whole word replacement Automatic replacement Wild card
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 5 View Menu: Zoom Command 75% Zoom
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 6 Editing a Document Hands-On Exercise 1 1.The View Menu 2.Scrolling 3.The Replace command 4.The Windows Clipboard 5.The Office Clipboard 6.Undo and Redo commands 7.Drag and Drop 8.Print Preview command
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 7 Typography (1 of 2) Typography Typeface Times New Roman Arial Courier New Serif typeface Sans serif typeface
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 8 Typography (2 of 2) Mono-spaced typeface Proportional typeface Font Type size Point size Format Font command
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 9 Page Setup Command Portrait orientation Landscape orientation Margins
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 10 Page Breaks Soft page break Hard page break Column break Continuous
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 11 Character Formatting Hands-On Exercise 2 1.Open the Existing Document 2.The Right Mouse Button 3.The Format Font Command 4.Boldface & Italics 5.The Format Painter 6.Change Margins 7.Create the Title Page 8.The Completed Document
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 12 Paragraph Formatting (1 of 6) Alignment Indents Left indent Right indent Special indent First line indent Hanging indent
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 13 Paragraph Formatting (2 0f 6) Tabs Tab Stop Position Alignment Leaders Set Clear Clear All
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 14 Paragraph Formatting (3 of 6) Hyphenation Hyphenate Don’t Hyphenate Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 15 Paragraph Formatting (4 0f 6) Line Spacing Single 1.5 lines Double At Least Exactly Multiple
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 16 Paragraph Formatting (5 of 6) Windows and Orphan Control Controls Soft Page Breaks
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 17 Paragraph Formatting (6 0f 6) Borders & Shading Borders Color Width Apply to Shading Color Patterns Apply to
Exploring Microsoft Office Microsoft Word 2000 Chapter 2 18 Column Formatting Columns Presets Numbers Width & Spacing Equal Column Width Line Between Apply To