HEADER: Arial Regular 24/29 Max two lines and CAPS Text: Arial Regular 16/19 Add Event via ‘View’ / ‘Header and Footer’ Max one line Insert name in first line and title in second line Climate Investments You have the solution – we have the money 29 April Frank Zimmermann, Investment Manager
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ PAGE 2 IFU: the leading emerging market investment organisation in Denmark Insert picture in right size Picture format = H 10.3 x W 22.2 cm IFU Offices Accra Johannesburg Nairobi Cairo New Delhi Beijing Headquarters: Denmark; Regional offices: Cairo, China, India, Kenya, South Africa and Ghana Countries where AIF currently operates Countries where IFU currently operates Africa 33% Latin America 14% Asia 46% Others 7% 46 Year heritage 7 offices 35 Investment professionals 38 Advisors 500+ Danish Partners 800 Investments 85 countries DKK 9bn invested 250 Active investments 13 Consecutive years of positive results 13% 10 year net return (SC)
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ DKKm to invest in emerging markets in commercially viable climate projects containing Danish economic interest “…to promote climate investments in developing countries and emerging markets to help reduce global warming…and to promote the transfer of Danish climate technology. “ PAGE DKKm 500 DKKm 50 DKKm
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ The climate fund has a very broad definition of climate projects… PAGE 4 Renewable energy Energy efficiency Alternative energy Materials or equipment Transport Water management Disaster preparedness Agriculture Coastal & natural resource mngmt Consulting services
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ PAGE 5 …and a wide range of target markets with 148 countries eligible for investments Insert picture in right size Picture format = H 10.3 x W 22.2 cm IFU Regional offices
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ The requirement for Danish involvement is defined by “Danish Economic Interest” which we interpret as A Danish company investing an amount at least similar to the investment of the climate fund OR One or more Danish know-how providers selling technology/services with a value not less than the investment from the climate fund long term involvement to be secured by O&M agreements, guarantees, training and management contracts etc. PAGE 6
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ PAGE 7 Example: Wind park Turkey Activity: technology provider and service agreement Tech.providerIFU (Danish Climate Fund) Local partner e.g. wind park developer Turkish equipment manufacturer License agreement Service agreement Equity, Mezzanine, traditional loan (DKK/EUR/USD) Terms: commercial Exit strategy Max 49% of total Investment Max 100 DKKm
HEADER: Arial Regular 22/26 Max one line. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 18/22 Click on ’Increase Indent’ for more bulletdesign To get previous design back, click on ’Decrease Indent’ PAGE 8 Selected Danish Partners in climate projects
HEADER: Arial Regular 24/29 Max two lines and CAPS Text: Arial Regular 16/19 Add Event via ‘View’ / ‘Header and Footer’ Max one line Insert name in first line and title in second line 9 Frank Zimmermann Investment Manager Tel: HEADER: Arial Regular 28/33. CAPS Text: Arial Regular 16/19 Insert Name in first line, Title in second line, Contact info in third line IFU Fredericiagade Copenhagen K Denmark Tel Fax How to get IFU involved? – give us a call or send a mail!