Purchase Module Planned Flow of the Software # 001 = Purchase Requisition (PR) and PR Approval
File # 001 Covers the first two cells of this flow chart Purchase Requisition P.R. Approval Purchase Order PO checking PO Approval Gate Entry Quantity MRR Quality Report ? Excise taken ? Bill PassingPayment
This slide covers PR is made by Actual User, like Production / Maintenance people Indent Approval By Plant Head
Logic If the Indent is not approved,Then, don’t waste time of Purchase DeptWhy should they check market,Get rates, finalise a vendorWhen that Indent is not approved ?
You can make Purchase Requisition at any stage we starting from Purchase & Procurement as you can see the second button in the right side list
As we click on ERP Common option a small POP-Up comes in front of you with some option as you see Make Purchase Indent via use of this button
As we Click on New a pop-up come to ask the department for the indent or request
Example : Level 1 = Board Level 2 = which group = HWC G/B HWC W/B LWC G/B LWC W/B After selection of say HWC G/B, you can select exact paper size and GSM Method 1 : Ladder Type First select the Groups ( as shown here ) Then subgroup Then, item You can select the Item for PR here
Second option : Free Google/Grid Search With the help of escape button we can see all the Item on the screen, now select any 1
Select more items, one by one As desired == Google Search benefit
Fill the details like Item name Quantity, any remarks you want to give, desired date, Shows the current stock Pending Purchase requisitions Pending purchase orders Press “SAVE”
Multiple option available to see the print format
Indent/Request Made A lot of good information given in this print too – including previous vendor information
Next Now Indent goes for approval
To process of your requirement concerned Head of Department needs to “approve” for that go to Approval Button in Purchase Module
Click on PR approval to approve your Pending PR
You can also select period to see pending PR, Party wise even item wise
Before approve you can check Item available in store, pending PR, PO and other records You have the Choice to REFUSE In that case, noting the reason for rejection is a “MUST”
Purchase Requisition is Made by actual user at the Plant and Approved by Plant Head This is the Best Business Practice
Do you have a online System of “Purchase Requisitions” in your company ? If not, please get this done Very highly recommended.
Benefit Many Problems are reduced, if you have a ERP based Purchase Requisitions (P.R.)
Examples 1.Reduction in the manual work of Purchase Department. No confusion of what is to be purchased. Even the Raw Material grade, Qnty and Model number is clear Just Select the P.R. and make the Purchase Order 2.Reduction in Mistakes Cannot Purchase what is not required. Answerability is with Production Dept too / Wrong Material / wrong brand / wrong Product Specs.. Very clear now 3.Transparent Information Flow Production knows status of their Request Approved or not ? PO made or not ? Material received or not ? QC done or not ? Goods available or not in stores ?
Print or not ? 1.Print or not ? You can choose as per Your Choice One Idea is = “Go Paper less” Second idea is = Paper trail helps in followup and action 2.Full page or Half ? One Idea is = “Use A-4 rim, and Slice by half”
What if, 1.My Production people don’t know how to use computers ? No problem Ask the Receptionist madam to make on their behalf But, let it remain “online” 2.I don’t have computers in Maintenance No problem They can come to a central computer for some minutes and make their request, The super benefit is that they can see the “current stock in hand” automatically and also the lead time. They can also see the alternatives available, and decide whether they really need to buy ??
Indent is Ready + Approved Over to Next Powerpoint File