How to correctly format your mini-bibliography: -- Include all of your sources (for both notes and photos) -- Make sure your final list is in alphabetical order -- Use a hanging indent for each entry (indent 2 nd line)
How to correctly format your mini-bibliography: For a magazine or newspaper article: Author's last name, first name. "Title of article." Title of magazine. Volume number Date: Page numbers. Example: Kannfertine, Stephanie. "Heard of Real Civil Rights Lately?" Time July 2013:
How to correctly format your mini-bibliography: For a website: Author's last name, first name. "Title of work." Title of website. Editor. Date of last update. Date of access and. Example: Levy, Steven. "Great Minds and Ideas." 7 May June 2014.
How to correctly format your mini-bibliography: For a photograph found on-line: Last name of photographer, First name. Title of Photograph. Digital image. Website Title. Publisher, Date Published. Web. Date Accessed. Example: Martin Luther King, Jr. Speaks to Congregation. Digital image. Web. 22 January 2015.