WWII Leaders Research Project You will research one of the leaders from WWII and create a commemorative plaque & a wanted poster that describes their accomplishments & shortcomings during the War. Your posters must include: – at least 3 details on why he should be praised (commemorative plaque) & 3 details on why he should be condemned (wanted poster) Each fact will need to be cited correctly – 1 picture that depicts the leader as a hero and 1 that depicts him as a villain. Add a visual representation for each fact around the pictures
WWII Leaders Research Project Other Requirements – find at least 2 sources. Highlight sources(Yellow for positive things & Green for Negative). – Type a properly formatted works cited page. 12 point font, alphabetical order, & hanging indent – Do a source evaluation for 1 of the sources Explain the purpose (including intended audience), at least 2 strengths, & at least 2 weaknesses – Present your Poster to the Class
Steps 1.Find at least 2 sources. – Copy & paste sources (including citation information) into 2 separate word documents – Save on flash drive and/or Y drive – Read each source looking for positive & negative contributions – Highlight sources (Yellow for positive things & Green for Negative). 2.Make a rough draft of posters on regular sheet of paper – At least 3 positive details for commemorative plaque – At least 3 negative details for wanted poster – Brainstorm pictures & visuals 3.Type a properly formatted works cited page. – 12 point font, alphabetical order, & hanging indent 4.Do a source evaluation for 1 of the sources – Explain the purpose (including intended audience), at least 2 strengths, & at least 2 weaknesses 5.Make final draft – Color pictures & draw visuals – Carefully write details under the picture