Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 1 WELCOME TO BASIC VA FILEMAN REPORTS SESSION Tom Fagan, Pharmacy Benefits Management Clinical Informatics VA FileMan Instructor and Clinical Applications Coordinator at VAMC Richmond, Virginia
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND CLASS FORMAT 1.Be able to use basic report functions; inquire, print and search. 2.Be able to use List File Attributes to identify file and field numbers or labels and data types 3.Know how to create and use templates for search, sort and print. 4.Understand Intermediate concepts: point (jump files) and multiples (sub files). 5.Know where to find additional References 6.Understand Importance of Data Validation and Privacy/Security
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Sources of Data for PI Analysis Report typeStart with all patients in database Access to ALL fields and files Real Time Easy to Learn Access for any user Comments FILEMANYES NOMaybeANYTHING; patient safety alert; create VISTA option DSS (data warehouse)/ ProClarity PBM rollup YESNO NANO S ervice COST Analysis /Drug budget/ NOT REAL TIME? CPRS QUERY TOOL NO YES Ideal for Clinical Care WARD or Clinical REMINDER DUEYESNOYESMENUYESMonitor Clinical Care Patients/ Performance monitor REMINDER PATIENT LIST YESNOYESNO Monitor Clinical Care, display results and demographics
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Data Sources continued Standard VISTA options –Data Validation –No modifications –Import to MS-app (space delimiter) –System Performance? MUMPS Routines –Class III –Multiples –Pointing to related files –Require Programmer?
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup Data Use Package Support –Reports not present in package Management –Budget –Workload Research Patient Safety
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 6 TERMINOLOGY Most Important 1.FileMan or VA FILE MANAGER 2.SYNTAX exact sequence of characters and words for a function to work, may be case sensitive 3.CONTEXT ! 4.Primary Source of Frustration
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 7 TERMINOLOGY Miscellaneous IEN NUMBER is the unique number assigned to record by software, contained in the NUMBER Field
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 8 TERMINOLOGY Intermediate MULTIPLE is a sub file or a file within a file can contain zero or multiple entries JUMPING(POINTING) access a field in related file. QUALIFIERS and FUNCTIONS are MUMPS expressions used to enhance sort or output
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 9 TERMINOLOGY Database Related DATABASE collection of files used to store data –FILE collection of records RECORDS are unique entries in File –FIELDS data type place holders to store information in records
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 10 PAPER ANALOGY Filing Cabinet with drawers (DATABASE), folder (FILES) and sheets of paper (RECORDS AND FIELDS) Complex Relationships
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 11 Data Dictionary Utility “ Display Structure ” File Number or Label Field Number or Label Data Type Pointers Suggest Brief format LIST FILE ATTRIBUTES
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 13 REPORT FUNCTIONS Inquire to File Entries Print File Entries Search File Entries
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 14 REPORT FUNCTIONS Inquire to File Entries Print File Entries Search File Entries
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 15 REPORT FUNCTIONS Inquire to File Entries Print File Entries Search File Entries ??? For help
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 16 LIST ALL FIELDS USING INQUIRE Drug = SIMVASTATIN 80MG TAB At Print FIRST PRINT FIELD PROMPT ? Answer with FIELD NUMBER, or LABEL Do you want the entire 386-Entry FIELD List? y (Yes) = SORT by FIELD NUMBER Do you want the entire 386-Entry FIELD List? ^A = Sort FIELDS by LABEL starting with A ASCII SORT
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 17 TEMPLATE COMPARISON Search = saved Search Results or Saved Search Logic Print Sort = saved Sort Logic Print Output = saved Print or Display Format
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 18 SEARCH TEMPLATE Static as of Run Date and Time Access Results from Print (Sort) Access Logic from Search Orders from a month
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 19 PRINT (SORT) TEMPLATE Dynamic Use to Refine Search Template TIP: Sort by: field name [ “ TEXT ” = field name Contains TEXT
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 20 PRINT OUTPUT TEMPLATE Save Print Format Select Fields ']' TO FORCE SAVING PRINT TEMPLATE Print “ TEXT ” Print Qualifier syntax is FIELD; CHARACTERS EXAMPLE;Ln (Left Justify (Limit)) FIRST PRINT FIELD: NAME;L8 = Print 8 characters of the name
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 21 PRINT OUTPUT TEMPLATE STANDARD CAPTIONED OUTPUT FIRST PRINT FIELD: [CAPTIONED = SYNTAX Include COMPUTED fields: (N/Y/R/B): Enter a code from the list. Select one of the following: N = NO - No record number (IEN), no Computed Fields Y = Computed Fields R = Record Number (IEN) B = BOTH Computed Fields and Record Number (IEN) DISPLAYS only populated fields – default with INQUIRE
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 23 INTERMEDIATE CONCEPT JUMP FILES Jump or Point with : Access a field in related file (example patient demographics from prescription file) Syntax: Prescription (first print field): PATIENT:AGE OR FIRST PRINT FIELD: PATIENT: THEN PRINT PATIENT FIELD: AGE
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 24 POINTERS for JUMPING When A Field In The Start File Points To The File We Want To Go To, A FORWARD Pointer Relationship Exists –Read access required to RELATED file
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 25 INTERMEDIATE CONCEPT MULTIPLES FIELDS Multiples Fields: Sub file within a file Designation: (multiple) and “indent” Can be blank or contain one or more entries Subfield has all characteristics of a file, folder within a folder
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 26 E-TRIP NATIONAL RESOURCES FileMan Homepage url: Advanced VA FileMan User Manual contains explaination commands and examples PBM FileMan SharePoint: informatics/WIKI/FileMan/Home.aspx
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 27 DATA VALIDATION Does Your Output Make Sense? Random Sample Time Or Single Events (Snowbirds) Intuition Consult An ADPAC Or Expert Other DATA SOURCES, CPRS QUERY TOOLS, VISTA REPORTS, Clinical Reminders
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 28 PRIVACY SECURITY ISSUES For Protected Health Information (PHI) Distribution: Need to Know- VISTA or Outlook with PKI or RMS Secure – Encryption or Server Role of Local VISN Information Security Officer National Website:
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup HELP ME Phone: Tom Fagan (804)
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup 30 QUESTIONS ?
Pharmacy Informatics Workgroup LOG IN FOR HANDS ON ACCESS: nnVEHU VERIFY: VEHUnn nn number to be assigned by instructor Training Menu 1 List File Attributes 2 Inquire to File Entries 3 Print File Entries 4 Search File Entries 5 Template Edit