High Quality Code – Style Matters Chapter 5. Design in Construction Chapter 31. Layout and Style Software Construction by Jeff Nogy
Chapter 5. Design in Construction Introduction 5.1. Design Challenges 5.2. Key Design Concepts 5.3. Design Building Blocks: Heuristics 5.4. Design Practices 5.5. Comments on Popular Methodologies
Introduction - Code Complete
5. Introduction Process of building The hands-on part Coding or Programming Construction = Programming
5.1. Design Challenges Design Is a Wicked Problem Wicked problem Solve the problem once, then solve it again Tacoma Narrows Bridge Design Is a Sloppy Process (Even If it Produces a Tidy Result) False steps and go down many blind alleys Good Enough?
5.1. Design Challenges Design Is About Tradeoffs and Priorities Ideal world vs. Real world Design Involves Restrictions Create possibilities and Restrict possibilities
5.1. Design Challenges Design Is Nondeterministic More than one way to skin a cat Design Is a Heuristic Process Trial and Error Design Is Emergent Evolve and Improve
5.2. Key Design Concepts Software's Primary Technical Imperative: Managing Complexity Essential and Accidental Difficulties Importance of Managing Complexity How to Attack Complexity
5.2. Key Design Concepts Desirable Characteristics of a Design Levels of Design Level 1: Software System Level 2: Division into Subsystems or Packages Level 3: Division into Classes Level 4: Division into Routines Level 5: Internal Routine Design
5.3. Design Building Blocks: Heuristics Find Real-World Objects Form Consistent Abstractions Encapsulate Implementation Details Inherit—When Inheritance Simplifies the Design
5.3. Design Building Blocks: Heuristics Hide Secrets (Information Hiding) Secrets and the Right to Privacy Value of Information Hiding Identify Areas Likely to Change Keep Coupling Loose Coupling Criteria Kinds of Coupling
5.3. Design Building Blocks: Heuristics Look for Common Design Patterns Patterns provide several benefits Other Heuristics Things to aim for Guidelines for Using Heuristics
5.4. Design Practices Iterate Divide and Conquer Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design Approaches Experimental Prototyping
5.4. Design Practices Collaborative Design How Much Design Is Enough? Capturing Your Design Work
5.5. Comments on Popular Methodologies “Treat design as a wicked, sloppy, heuristic process. Don't settle for the first design that occurs to you. Collaborate. Strive for simplicity. Prototype when you need to. Iterate, iterate, and iterate again. You'll be happy with your designs.”
Chapter 31. Layout and Style Introduction Layout Fundamentals Layout Techniques Layout Styles Laying Out Control Structures Laying Out Individual Statements Laying Out Comments Laying Out Routines Laying Out Classes
Introduction Layout of program source code Execution speed, memory use Understand the code Others to read
31.1. Layout Fundamentals Layout Extremes: Listing 31-1 /* Use the insertion sort technique to sort the "data" array in ascending order. This routine assumes that data[ firstElement ] is not the first element in data and that data[ firstElement-1 ] can be accessed. */ public void InsertionSort( int[] data, int firstElement, int lastElement ) { /* Replace element at lower boundary with an element guaranteed to be first in a sorted list. */ int lowerBoundary = data[ firstElement-1 ]; data[ firstElement-1 ] = SORT_MIN; /* The elements in positions firstElement through sortBoundary-1 are always sorted. In each pass through the loop, sortBoundary is increased, and the element at the position of the new sortBoundary probably isn't in its sorted place in the array, so it's inserted into the proper place somewhere between firstElement and sortBoundary. */ for (int sortBoundary = firstElement+1; sortBoundary <= lastElement; sortBoundary++ ) { int insertVal = data[ sortBoundary ]; int insertPos = sortBoundary; while (insertVal < data[ insertPos-1 ] ) { data[ insertPos ] = data[ insertPos-1 ]; insertPos = insertPos-1; } data[ insertPos ] = insertVal; } /* Replace original lower-boundary element */ data[ firstElement-1 ] = lowerBoundary; }
31.1. Layout Fundamentals Layout Extremes: Listing 31-3 /* Use the insertion sort technique to sort the "data" array in ascending order. This routine assumes that data[ firstElement ] is not the first element in data and that data[ firstElement-1 ] can be accessed. */ public void InsertionSort( int[] data, int firstElement, int lastElement ) { // Replace element at lower boundary with an element guaranteed to be // first in a sorted list. int lowerBoundary = data[ firstElement-1 ]; data[ firstElement-1 ] = SORT_MIN; /* The elements in positions firstElement through sortBoundary-1 are always sorted. In each pass through the loop, sortBoundary is increased, and the element at the position of the new sortBoundary probably isn't in its sorted place in the array, so it's inserted into the proper place somewhere between firstElement and sortBoundary. */ for ( int sortBoundary = firstElement + 1; sortBoundary <= lastElement; sortBoundary++ ) { int insertVal = data[ sortBoundary ]; int insertPos = sortBoundary; while ( insertVal < data[ insertPos - 1 ] ) { data[ insertPos ] = data[ insertPos - 1 ]; insertPos = insertPos - 1; } data[ insertPos ] = insertVal; } // Replace original lower-boundary element data[ firstElement - 1 ] = lowerBoundary; }
31.1. Layout Fundamentals The Fundamental Theorem of Formatting Human and Computer Interpretations of a Program x = 3+4 * 2+7; How Much Is Good Layout Worth? “Exploratory Experiments in Programmer Behavior” by Ben Shneiderman (1976).
31.1. Layout Fundamentals Layout as Religion Objectives of Good Layout How to Put the Layout Objectives to Use
31.2. Layout Techniques White Space Usewhitespacetoenhancereadability Grouping Blank lines Indentation Parentheses
31.3. Layout Styles Pure Blocks Emulating Pure Blocks Using begin-end Pairs (Braces) to Designate Block Boundaries
31.3. Layout Styles Endline Layout Which Style Is Best? While ( pixelColor = Color_Red ) statement1; statement2;... Wend
31.4. Laying Out Control Structures Fine Points of Formatting Control- Structure Blocks Other Considerations
31.5. Laying Out Individual Statements Statement Length Using Spaces for Clarity Formatting Continuation Lines Using Only One Statement Per Line Laying Out Data Declarations
31.6. Laying Out Comments Indent a comment with its corresponding code Set off each comment with at least one blank line For transactionId = 1 To totalTransactions ' get transaction data GetTransactionType( transactionType ) GetTransactionAmount( transactionAmount ) ' process transaction based on transaction type If transactionType = Transaction_Sale Then AcceptCustomerSale( transactionAmount ) // comment zero CodeStatementZero; CodeStatementOne; // comment one CodeStatementTwo; CodeStatementThree;
31.7. Laying Out Routines Use blank lines to separate parts of a routine Use standard indentation for routine arguments public bool ReadEmployeeData( int maxEmployees, EmployeeList *employees, EmployeeFile *inputFile, int *employeeCount, bool *isInputError )... public void InsertionSort( SortArray data, int firstElement, int lastElement )
31.8. Laying Out Classes Laying Out Class Interfaces Laying Out Class Implementations Laying Out Files and Programs
Conclusion Software complexity Simplicity is achieved in two general ways Design is heuristic Good design is iterative Information hiding The first priority of visual layout Looking good is secondary Pure blocks and Pure-block emulation Structuring code is important Religious issues