How do you clarify or explain your supporting details to give the reader a clearer idea of what you’re talking about?


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Presentation transcript:

How do you clarify or explain your supporting details to give the reader a clearer idea of what you’re talking about?

In this lesson you will learn how to elaborate on your supporting details by using an anecdote.

Let’s Review Persuasive writing is where the author states his or her opinion and then proves it true with evidence. The goal is to get the reader to agree with what he or she is arguing.

You must make your argument easy for the reader to understand. Avoid inferences Connect arguments to topic sentences and thesis Avoid inferences Connect arguments to topic sentences and thesis

Let’s Review The littering problem should be solved because it costs our city money, makes people sick, and leads to more crime. Cities that have a littering problem end up losing more money than cities that don’t. For instance, it costs more money to clean up the streets than it does to empty trashcans. When people throw their garbage away in a trashcan, city workers only have to go to a few spots to gather it and take it to the dump. However, when the trash is all over the streets, city workers have to spend all day collecting it piece by piece in order to get it to the dump. The city has to pay the workers for the extra time it takes to do this job. Furthermore, litter makes the city look ugly. When the city looks bad, people won’t want to come to visit. This costs the city money because they can’t collect it from the tourists who come in and pay for hotels, buy food and souvenirs, and pay for entrance into museums and historical sights. Clearly, the city should solve its littering problem if it wants to have more money. Not only should our city solve the littering problem so it can save money, it should also solve the problem because it makes people sick. My little sister, for instance, got an infection when she cut herself on a rusty can sitting in the lot next to our house. Someone had taken their trash and threw it in the lot instead of keeping it until trash day and putting it out to be picked up. If they had thrown the trash in the garbage instead of the lot, my sister would not have had to get a shot and spend time out of school. In addition, litter can put bad things into the soil. If a person throws something onto the ground that shouldn’t be there, and you plant a garden, the food from your garden could be contaminated. Littering can also lead to more crime. In fact, studies have shown that areas that are full of litter tend to have higher crime rates. This may be because people don’t take as much pride in the area since it doesn’t seem that nice, so they’re more willing to do things like vandalize the buildings or public property. Moreover, when a person sees litter everywhere, he or she may think that they can get away with much more. It’s sort of like the rules at my school. The teachers give us consequences for small things, like having our shirts un-tucked. Because they do this, we understand that they’re very serious about the rules, and we’re less likely to cause a bigger disturbance. When someone sees litter everywhere, he or she may think that the rules are pretty relaxed there, and are more confident to do something that they shouldn’t. Body paragraphs

Let’s Review Elaboration: Information found in the body paragraph that clarifies the supporting detail and connects everything back to the topic sentence and thesis statement.

Cities that have a littering problem end up spending more money than cities that don’t. For instance, it costs more money to clean up the streets than it does to empty trashcans. When people throw their garbage away in a trashcan, city workers only have to go to a few spots to gather it and take it to the dump. However, when the trash is all over the streets, city workers have to spend all day collecting it piece by piece in order to get it to the dump. The city has to pay the workers for the extra time it takes to do this job. Found in body paragraphs Explains the supporting details and connects them to the thesis and topic sentence. Found in body paragraphs Explains the supporting details and connects them to the thesis and topic sentence.

Core Lesson Anecdote: A brief story from personal experience that is used to illustrate a point. It is often used in writing as a way to elaborate on a supporting detail.

Write your supporting detail in essay format. 1 2 Ask yourself, “Have I seen this happen?” 3 Write down that example in 1-3 sentences.

1 2 Have I seen this happen? My best friend, for instance, loves to wear bold colors that don’t match as a way to show that she’s brave and a little silly. Because of the uniform policy, she can no longer do this. 3 II. Students can’t stand out. Q: Why can’t students stand out?  Can’t wear any colors besides gray and black.  Can’t alter their uniforms. Students can’t stand out when they have to wear a uniform. For example, students can’t wear any colors besides black and gray.

Core Lesson Write the supporting details in essay format. 1 2 Pause and ask yourself, “Have I seen this happen?” 3 Write down the story in 1-3 sentences.

In this lesson you have learned how to elaborate on your supporting details by using an anecdote

Guided Practice On the next slide, you will see an outline for a body paragraph. Turn that outline into a body paragraph. Be sure to pause after each supporting detail and ask yourself if you have seen it happen. Write down the anecdote in 1- 3 sentences.

Guided Practice II. Students use social networking sites to hurt people. Q: How do they use these sites to hurt people? A.Post hurtful things about them B.Write mean comments on their pictures C.Make public threats against them II. Students use social networking sites to hurt people. Q: How do they use these sites to hurt people? A.Post hurtful things about them B.Write mean comments on their pictures C.Make public threats against them

Extension Activities Take a close look at the two examples of elaboration. The elaboration on the left is stronger. Think about what you’ve learned about elaboration. Use this knowledge to compare both examples. In complete sentences, explain why the elaboration on the left is stronger.

Extension Activities One advantage to having an extended school year is that you get to learn even more! For instance, you get to have longer school days. One time, I didn’t understand something, but my school day was longer, so I learned it! One advantage to having an extended school year is that you get to learn even more! For instance, you can get more help. One time, I didn’t understand how to respond to a question in literature class. Because my school day is extended, I had time during office hours to get help.

Extension Activities Trade papers with your partner. Compare their elaboration to the exemplars. Check to make sure their elaboration is not repetitive and is on topic. Jot down some feedback for him or her. When you’re both done analyzing, quietly conference with each other to share your feedback. When you’re done, rewrite your elaboration to make it stronger.

Let’s Review Quick Quiz Directions: In a moment, you will see a completed outline. Write the outline in essay format. Be sure to use transitions and elaboration.

Let’s Review Quick Quiz II. Ms. Kim is kind because she goes out of her way to help us. A.She stays after school to tutor us. B.She spends a long time creating lessons. C. She always answers our questions. II. Ms. Kim is kind because she goes out of her way to help us. A.She stays after school to tutor us. B.She spends a long time creating lessons. C. She always answers our questions.