Welcome to the Greek Life!
ΘΣT: Zack Savanna Michael Julian KNΛ: Amberly Chris JJ ΓΓM: Kelianne Zach Brody Carson BΩΔ: Hayden Elizabeth Brice
ΘΣT: Emma Mitchell Skyler KNΛ: Hunter Adriana Noah Cody ΓΓM: Nic Trent Robert Leighann BΩΔ: Emily S Lexie Alexis Joey Ian Chris Sanday Levi Kayla Webb Emily Kristen Preston Taylor Tiffany James Dylan
ΘΣT: Deke Sara Kate Mariah KNΛ: Colton Jack Jordan Jacob ΓΓM: Sarah Cristian Maggie Dylan BΩΔ: Elizabeth Rocio Tanner Alexis Dalia Brianna Katie Devon Lexie Issac Michael Riane Ashley Kaley Carson Alberto Taylor Katie W Zach Matthe w
ΘΣT: Chad Logan Kayla KNΛ: Montana Nick Matthew Tristan ΓΓM: Yesenia Christian Makenzy Rachel Beth BΩΔ: Molly Peyton Isabella Ashleen Mastin Henry Caleb Hannah Chase Aden Evan Alyssa Karson Josh Johnathon Parker
Ancillary- sounds like or suggests ants/celery
Imagine ants on celery. They are eating a submarine!
Submarine should help you remember the meaning of the word manifest: subordinate
Ancillary- subordinate
Anecdote- sounds like or suggests a neck/dough
Imagine a neck with dough around it. There is a short story written on the dough!
Once Upon a Time, there was a short story…The End.
Short Story will help you remember the meaning: Short Story
Anecdote- Short Story
Antithesis- sounds like or suggests ant/thesis
Imagine an ant holding a thesis while directing opossums!
Directing Opossums will help you remember the meaning: Directly Opposite
Antithesis- Directly Opposite
Sounds like or suggests a path.
Imagine a path In the middle of the path is an Indian!
Indian will help you remember the meaning: Indifferent
Apathy- Indifferent
Appease- Sounds like or suggests apples and peas
Imagine Apples and peas with a gigantic pacifier on them!
Pacifier will help you remember the meaning: Pacify
Appease- Pacify
Assuage- Sounds like or suggests a sewage truck
Imagine A sewage truck with a gigantic pacifier on it!
Pacifier will help you remember the meaning: Pacify
Assuage- Pacify
Asute- Sounds like or suggests a student
Imagine A student who is the most intelligent student in the world!
Intelligent will help you remember the meaning: Intelligent
Astute- Intelligent
Atrophy- Sounds like or suggests a trophy
Imagine A trophy with a wastebasket on it! The wastebasket has a whale in it!
Wastebasket/ a whale will help you remember the meaning: Waste away
Atrophy- Waste Away
Audacious- Sounds like or suggests odd egg shells
Imagine Odd egg shells with a bolt stuck in them!
Bolt will help you remember the meaning: Bold
Audacious- Bold