AP Lang & Comp Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Week 1: Argument, TSL, Narrative Mode Rhetorical Analysis Week 1.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Lang & Comp Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis Week 1: Argument, TSL, Narrative Mode Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

Warm Up: your fate card  On the card provided, please write  your full name  a name you prefer to be called (if different)  On the reverse, draw or write a symbol, graphic, image, quote, word, or prhase that represents you or is meaningful to you. Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

8/19-8/23 Rhetorical Analysis ObjectiveAssignmentsHW MonEstablish classroom norms and procedures Warm Up (WU): Your fate card Syllabus & Course Overview Argument Notes/ Review Seminar Instructions Rhetorical Modes & Procedures Bring a Comp Book & index cards by Tues. Return signed syllabus by Fri. Review TSL for seminar. Bring TSL tomorrow TuesReview summer work WU: allegory, anecdote; alacrity, gesticulate Argument Notes/ Review “Chiaroscuro” exercises Return signed syllabus by Fri. Review TSL for seminar. WedAnalyze narrative essays WU: antithesis, aphorism; privation, paucity Argument Notes “Me Talk Pretty One Day” Return signed syllabus by Fri. Review TSL for seminar. Finish “Me Talk Pretty.” ThursEdit analysis essay WU: Global feedback Computer Lab to edit analysis (due Mon. 8/26) Return signed syllabus by Fri. Review TSL for seminar. FriWU: apostrophe; irate TSL Seminar Edit essay TSL Take-home test due Wed 8/28 Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

Tues Vocab Rhetorical Terms AllegoryThe representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form. AnecdoteA short account of an interesting or humorous incident, usually to support or prove a point. Fancy Words Alacrity1. Cheerful willingness; eagerness. 2. Speed or quickness GesticulateTo make gestures especially while speaking, as for emphasis. Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

Surprise Rhetorical Term!  Chiaroscuro  Chiaroscuro is a literary device that displays the juxtaposition of light and shade.  Also an art term—use of dark and light shading  With a partner, identify 4 examples of Hawthorne using chiaroscuro  Check Hester’s emergence, descriptions of town, introduction to Dimmesdale & Chillingworth: Ch. 1-3  Check the forest scene: Ch LightDarkMeaning Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

Wed. Vocab Rhetorical Terms Antithesisa. A figure of speech in which sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or parallel phrase or grammatical structure, as in "Hee for God only, shee for God in him" (John Milton). b. The second and contrasting part of such a juxtaposition. AphorismA tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an adage. Fancy Words PrivationLack of the basic necessities or comforts of life. Paucity1. Smallness of number; fewness. 2. Scarcity; dearth: a paucity of natural resources. Rhetorical Analysis Week 1

Fri. Vocab Rhetorical Terms Apostrophea digression from a discourse, esp an address to an imaginary or absent person or a personification Fancy Words IrateExtremely angry; enraged; characterized by anger: Rhetorical Analysis Week 1