p Homegrown
Anecdote:A short personal narrative that tells of a real event in the life of an individual. 1. Create a graphic organizer that shows the descriptive qualities of this anecdote. Heading... Descriptive Qualities Sub Headings.... Imagery, Onomatopoeia, Adjectives, Similes, Personification
Non-fiction can be organized differently than fiction. Fiction tells a story and its text- pattern is set in time sequence. Non-fiction is more information based and does not require the same flow of ideas as fiction. Its text- pattern can be chunked or set into separate sections with headings and often text is wrapped around visuals. Many websites use this type of text pattern to communicate information.
1.Read the selection on pages 54 and 55. In a paragraph, use two examples from the text to identify it as an example of fiction or non- fiction based on the text-pattern used.