What is the What is the purpose of purpose of this lesson? this lesson? Hi, my name is PRO. I’ll explain the parts of a persuasive essay. To learn how To learn how to write a to write a persuasive essay. persuasive essay. Hi, my name is CON. I’ll help you to write a persuasive essay. Okay, 7 th grade students, let’s have some fun! Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
This is the Table of Contents It will help you navigate to the slides you want. BUTTONSLIDEFOCUS 5How to write an introduction. 8How to write a body paragraph. 12How to write a refute paragraph. 14How to write a closing paragraph. 16Let’s write an essay together! Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Know how to organize your ideas. A persuasive essay includes several specific paragraphs. Organization is crucial. Intro Body Paragraph Refute Closing Let’s watch a video! Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. “Electro Ker Plop”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Let’s watch a video on the persuasive essay. I love videos! We’ll begin with the Introduction CLICK HERE to start video. Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
You MUST take a side. Are you FOR or AGAINST the issue? EXAMPLE ISSUE: Should John Winthrop students wear uniforms to school? Pro means to side WITH the issue. Yes, JW students should wear uniforms to school. Con means you are AGAINST the issue. No, JW students should not wear uniforms to school. Select a side. PRO means you are for the issue, CON means your are against it. Table of Contents Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
1 Share background info. Engage your reader’s interest. 2 Most important is your thesis statement. It tells the reader where you stand on the issue. JW students should wear uniforms to school. 3 Next, select your reasons. A reason supports your thesis statement. 1. School uniforms make students feel smart. 4 Last, end with a closing sentence that pulls your ideas together for the reader. 1. Background 2. Thesis 3. Reason 4. Closing sentence Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
For many years, school uniforms have been considered ugly, itchy and expensive to buy, but not anymore. School uniforms look great and help make students feel smart. John Winthrop students should wear uniforms to school. School uniforms will make terrific students even better. Let’s write an intro... We’ll practice what we’ve learned! Next... the Body Paragraph Images from Microsoft® Clip Art. Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”.
First, begin with a transition. Next, state your reason. School uniforms look great. Then, support your reason with stats, quotes, anecdotes and testimonials to persuade the reader to side with YOU! Use transitions. First, To begin with, Most importantly... Support can include quotes, anecdotes, testimonials and statistics. Quote “When I wear my school uniform I look and feel smart,” said a JW student. Anecdote One day I wore my school uniform to the mall. My friend from another school treated me with respect and admiration. Table of Contents Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Testimonial During a recent TV interview, a member of One Direction reported that wearing school uniforms in high school helped him learn more than other students. Include testimonials for support. John Wright. I don’t. I love One Direction! Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Statistic In a survey, 93% of JW students said they feel more intelligent when they wear school uniforms. Include stats for support. Closing Sentence Look and feel great; wear school uniforms. Close with a strong persuasive sentence. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Most importantly, school uniforms look great. A John Winthrop student said, “When I wear my school uniform I look and feel smart.” In a recent survey, 97% of the students said they felt more intelligent while wearing their school uniforms. During a TV interview, a member of One Direction reported that wearing school uniforms in high school helped him learn more than other students. One day I wore my school uniform to the mall. My friend from another school treated me with respect and admiration. School uniforms are the trend of the future, they look good and help you feel smart. Let’s write a body paragraph!... on to the the Refute... it’s complicated! FUN!!!! Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
To refute means to prove false. The writer argues against the opposite position to show that it is not a valid point. Use transitions to refute: Many people feel that school uniforms are a great way to save money on expensive fashionable clothes that teens love. This sounds hard. However, teens still need cool clothes to wear after school and especially on weekends. Every teen must look great at the movies on Saturday night! Therefore, school uniforms don’t increase the cost of clothes for teens. Table of Contents Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Many people feel that school uniforms are a great way to save money on expensive fashionable clothes that teens love. However, teens still need cool clothes to wear after school and especially on weekends. Every teen must look great at the movies on Saturday night! Therefore, school uniforms don’t increase the cost of clothes for teens. School uniforms are the way to go in the twenty-first century. Cool... Finally, the closing! Let’s write one! Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
A closing paragraph is like a period at the end of a sentence– it’s not very big but you HAVE to have one. Use transitions to begin a closing paragraph: As a result... In conclusion... To sum it up... Students should wear uniforms to school because they are economical, look great and make you feel smart. This is your last chance to clinch, or seal-the-deal, for your argument. Without a doubt we must… It is vital that… Certainly, we should… Let’s write a strong closing. I love the Clincher! Table of Contents Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
To sum it up, John Winthrop students must wear uniforms to school. School uniforms are economical, look great and make students feel intelligent. Even world famous pop-stars, such as One Direction, believe that school uniforms contributed to their success. Without a doubt, John Winthrop students should wear uniforms to school. I don’t We did it! I want to wear a uniform! Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Now that you know the parts of a persuasive essay… Let’s write an essay together! Table of Contents Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
The thesis statement is: John Winthrop students should not wear uniforms to school. Let’s brainstorm 3 persuasive reasons: 1.________________________________ 2.________________________________ 3.________________________________ Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Let’s take our strongest reason and develop support. REASON: ________________________ __________________________________ Write a convincing quote: “________________________________ _______________________________” Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Write an anecdote: _________________________________ ________________________________ Write a testimonial: _________________________________ ________________________________ Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Write a statistic: _________________________________ ________________________________ Select a reason to refute: _________________________________ Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Let’s work with partners and draft a persuasive essay. Don’t forget the 4 specific paragraphs! Intro Body Paragraph Refute Closing I love working with partners! I’ll get the paper and pencils! Images from Microsoft® Clip Art.
Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Electro Ker Plop”. Used with permission from Microsoft®. Retrieved from Accessed February 13, Audio from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Fast Vroosh”. Used with permission from Microsoft®. Retrieved from Accessed February 13, John Wright. “One Direction” Hearst Communicates. Accessed February 9, Image from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Animals, aquatic animals”. Used with permission from Microsoft®. Retrieved from Accessed February 10, Image from Microsoft® Clip Art. “Cartoon frog with tongue sticking out”. Used with permission from Microsoft®. Retrieved from Accessed February 10, In-N-Out Burgers. sorkinclass. Uploaded March 8, Accessed February 12, O. A. Rolston 2013 I love burgers. I love One Direction!