The Mid Day Meal Scheme was first introduced in the state of Kerala in 1984 in the LP Schools functioning in 222 Villages, having Fishermen as majority. During 1985 the scheme was extended to all LP schools (std. I to IV ). The scheme was extended to Upper Primary Schools (std. V to VII) during The scheme was extended to std VIII during Introduction
Key Objectives of MDM Scheme Increasing school enrolment and attendance, Improved socialization among children, Addressing malnutrition, Social empowerment through provision of employment to women.
Students are offered the benefit on the opening day of the school year. The average MDMS enrolment rate is as high as 85-95%. There is no intercommunity difference. Beneficiaries Selection criteria & process
Food Grain Flow Chart FCI FCI Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Maveli Stores Maveli Stores Schools Schools
Fund Flow GOI+State GOI+State DPI DPI AEO DDEKSCSC MILMA HMFCI (cost of Pulses (cost of Milk) HMFCI (cost of Pulses (cost of Milk) & transport) & transport) (Veg &Condiments, (Cost of Rice) (Veg &Condiments, (Cost of Rice) Fuel & transport Fuel & transport Rem. To cooks, Egg) Rem. To cooks, Egg)
Beneficiaries for StdTotalEnrolmentTotalBeneficiaries I-V ( 95% ) VI-VIII ( 82%) Total ( 89%)
Expenditure (Primary) YearItemCentralassistanceStateContribution Expenditu re Up to 12/11 Balance (Including Previous years Bal) Cooking cost Cost of Rice (Lp+Up) Kitchen cum Store KitchenDevices0000
Expenditure (Upper Primary) YearItem Central Assistance State contributio n Expenditur e Up to 31/12/11 Balance Cooking cost Cost of Rice (LP+UP) Kitchen Shed Kitchen Devices 0000
Expenditure- MME & Transportation Item Central Assistance Expenditure under Central share up to 12/11 Balance – Central share MME Transportation
Allocation & Utilisation of Rice Allocatio n (in MT) Lifted Utilisatio n Up to 12/11 Balance Primary Upper Primary
Major Changes/Innovations during Sanctioned Festival Allowance to Rs 650. Sanctioned Festival Allowance to Rs 650. Implemented e-transfer of Funds to AEO Implemented e-transfer of Funds to AEO
Weekly Menu Monday - Rice + Green Gram + Vegetable Curry Tuesday - Rice + Vegetable Curry + Milk Wednesday - Rice + Green Gram + Vegetable Curry + Egg Thursday - Rice + Vegetable Curry + Milk Friday - Rice + Bengal Gram + Vegetable Curry
No. of Working Days (LP) Month Working Days June21 July22 August17 September20 October19 November21 December16 January23 February20 March21 Total200
No. of Working Days (UP) Month Working Days June25 July24 August20 September22 October22 November23 December19 January25 February21 March19 Total220
Beneficiaries for StdTotalEnrolmentTotalBeneficiaries I-V ( 100% ) VI-VIII Total
Requirement of Foodgrain Std Quantity Of Rice Primary MT Upper Primary MT Total MT
Central Assistance For Std Cost of Rice Cookingcost Trans port Assist. MME Hon. To Cooks Total (in lakhs) Primary Upper primary Total
Infrastructure Requirements for ItemAmount ( in Lakhs) Kitchen Shed Kitchen Devices
Thanks A.Shajahan IAS Director of Public Instruction Govt of Kerala