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Solstice: twice a year, sun overhead at 23.5º N or S Two types of solstices: Winter &Summer
Define both types: Winter solstice: shortest day of year in N hemisphere – marks winter, around Dec 21st. Summer solstice: longest day of year in N hemisphere – marks summer, around June 21st.
Equinox: between solstices, neither hemisphere tilted toward or away from sun. Noon sun is at 0 º, means = day & night Two types of Equinoxes: Vernal &Autumnal
Define both types: Vernal Equinox: spring equinox around March 21st, marks spring in the N hemisphere Autumnal Equinox: around Sept. 23rd marks beginning of fall in the N hemisphere.
We live in the Northern hemisphere. The Earth rotates in a counterclockwise direction. Therefore the sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west. Solar noon is when the sun is at the highest position in the sky. From sunrise to solar noon the sun is moving higher in the sky. After solar noon the sun is moving lower in the sky towards the horizon.
From sunrise to solar noon the sun is moving higher in the sky. After solar noon the sun is moving lower in the sky towards the horizon. The angle of separation is the angle formed from the horizon to the sun’s position. The closer the sun is to solar noon, the greater/larger the angle of separation. The closer the sun is to the horizon, the smaller the angle of separation.
The changing length and position of shadows depends on three things: 1. Time of year 2. Geographic location 3. Time of day
Shadows appear in the opposite direction of where the sun is located. For example if the sun is in the east, the shadow will point toward the west. This means that shadows point west in the morning and east in the afternoon.
The sun is a farther distance away from Earth in the summer and closer in the winter. If the sun is farther away in the summer then the shadow at solar noon would be shorter than the shadow at solar noon in the winter.
Also, be able to label the diagram taped in your notebook.