Next Generation Simulation Core Algorithms and Data Sets presented by Vassili Alexiadis Cambridge Systematics, Inc. DTFH61-02-R-00036
High-Level Plan for Validation High-Level Plan for Data Sets Identify and Prioritize Core Algorithm Categories Establish NGSIM Data Formats Establish and Maintain Web Site and Repository Interaction with the Stakeholder Group and User Community Project Management and Program Support High-Level Plan and Assessment for Core Algorithms Prioritized Core Algorithms Data Formats Algorithms, Software for Testing, and DocumentationAlgorithms, Software for Testing, and Documentation Validation Databases and ProceduresValidation Databases and Procedures Validation DataValidation Data Data Requirements Algorithm Development, Validation, and Data Collection Project Approach
Project Organization Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Lance Neumann (CS) Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT) Alexander Skabardonis (UCB) Hani Mahmassani (UMD) Pitu Mirchandani (UAZ) Panos Michalopoulos (UMN) Senior Advisors Core Algorithms Larry Head (SGTS) Web Site Nathan Clark (CS) Validation Richard Dowling (DA) Data Sets Richard Margiotta (CS) Project Management Vassili Alexiadis (CS) Data Formats Richard Margiotta (CS) Stakeholders Vassili Alexiadis (CS) Federal Highway Administration Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Vassili Alexiadis (CS) Principal Investigator John Halkias Gene McHale Mitretek
Website Objectives Provide a user-friendly environment for NGSIM informationProvide a user-friendly environment for NGSIM information Provide a community workplaceProvide a community workplace Provide software, data, and documentation repositoryProvide software, data, and documentation repository Allow for algorithm/data project managementAllow for algorithm/data project management Functionality NGSIM program informationNGSIM program information News and event itemsNews and event items User registration capabilitiesUser registration capabilities Document downloadsDocument downloads Manage program documentsManage program documents Links to other relevant effortsLinks to other relevant efforts NGSIM team, stakeholder and public discussionsNGSIM team, stakeholder and public discussions
Website Using the site: Register, via the front page Register, via the front page View the ‘documents’ section, for relevant downloads View the ‘documents’ section, for relevant downloads Check the site weekly, for news and events updates Check the site weekly, for news and events updates Participate in discussion lists Participate in discussion lists
Previous Requirements Work FHWA-led workshops Identified basic requirementsIdentified basic requirements Ranked requirements, based on needRanked requirements, based on need Overlap with this workshop Focused on micro-simulation modelsFocused on micro-simulation models Differences: this workshop is: Not focused on developing a full NGSIM modelNot focused on developing a full NGSIM model Focused on core behavioral algorithmsFocused on core behavioral algorithms
Workshop Objectives Requirements elicitation Users: What needs to be advanced in the state of the practice?Users: What needs to be advanced in the state of the practice? Modelers: What needs to be advanced in the state of the art?Modelers: What needs to be advanced in the state of the art? Developers: How should NGSIM be formulated to be useful to software developers?Developers: How should NGSIM be formulated to be useful to software developers? Requirements prioritization Users: based on needUsers: based on need Modelers: based on development riskModelers: based on development risk Developers: based on development costDevelopers: based on development cost Identify available data sets and algorithms
Workshop Agenda Monday 8:30 - noon: Plenary session8:30 - noon: Plenary session Noon - 1:00: Lunch (group)Noon - 1:00: Lunch (group) 1:00 - 5:00: Breakout sessions (Users, Modelers, Developers)1:00 - 5:00: Breakout sessions (Users, Modelers, Developers) 5:00 - 7:00: Social (Hors d'oeuvre and cash bar)5:00 - 7:00: Social (Hors d'oeuvre and cash bar) Tuesday 8: :00: Plenary session8: :00: Plenary session 10:00 - 1:00: Breakout sessions10:00 - 1:00: Breakout sessions 2:00 - 5:00: Individual meetings with developers, as needed2:00 - 5:00: Individual meetings with developers, as needed
Workshop Format Users and Modelers Identify and rank requirementsIdentify and rank requirements -In reference to specific modeling scenarios/situations -As combinations of influencing factors that affect travel behavior (list is provided in breakout material) Describe a few scenarios that you want to model adequately, but feel you cannot; May include scenarios you have or have not attempted to modelDescribe a few scenarios that you want to model adequately, but feel you cannot; May include scenarios you have or have not attempted to model Developers Input on format and documentation of NGSIM algorithms and data setsInput on format and documentation of NGSIM algorithms and data sets Identify potential sources of algorithms and data setsIdentify potential sources of algorithms and data sets Input on validation proceduresInput on validation procedures
Workshop Rationale Workshop purpose Identify those factors that are most important to users and use this information to shape focus efforts on behavioral algorithmsIdentify those factors that are most important to users and use this information to shape focus efforts on behavioral algorithms Practical focus - Not theoretical focusPractical focus - Not theoretical focus Supplemental - Not a wholesale rethinking of ongoing FHWA needs assessmentSupplemental - Not a wholesale rethinking of ongoing FHWA needs assessment Example Users: Current models do not do a good job in modeling ramp metered freeways under bad weather conditionsUsers: Current models do not do a good job in modeling ramp metered freeways under bad weather conditions NGSIM focus on car following and lane changing under these conditions. Gather data sets, and develop/test algorithms to model lane changing or car following under these conditions.NGSIM focus on car following and lane changing under these conditions. Gather data sets, and develop/test algorithms to model lane changing or car following under these conditions.
Desired Outcomes Simulation model requirementsSimulation model requirements -Through identification and ranking of scenarios/situations Structural critiqueStructural critique -Discuss NGSIM framework Process critiqueProcess critique -Issues with process Input on format and documentation of NGSIM algorithms and data setsInput on format and documentation of NGSIM algorithms and data sets Potential sources of algorithms and data setsPotential sources of algorithms and data sets Input on validation proceduresInput on validation procedures