1. Fa - ther, in the morn-ing un - to Thee I pray; (Un-to Thee I pray; Let Thy lov - ing kind-ness keep me thru this day. keep me thru this day.)


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Presentation transcript:

1. Fa - ther, in the morn-ing un - to Thee I pray; (Un-to Thee I pray; Let Thy lov - ing kind-ness keep me thru this day. keep me thru this day.)

I will pray, I will pray, ev - er will I pray; Morning, noon and evening un-to Thee I’ll pray. un-to Thee I’ll pray.

2. At the bus - y noon-tide pressed with work and care, (Pressed with work and care, Then I’ll wait with Je - sus till He hears my prayer. till He hears my prayer.)

I will pray, I will pray, ev - er will I pray; Morning, noon and evening un-to Thee I’ll pray. un-to Thee I’ll pray.

3. When the eve-ning shad-ows chase a - way the light, (Chase a - way the light, Fa - ther, then I’ll pray Thee, bless Thy child to - night. bless Thy child to - night.)

I will pray, I will pray, ev - er will I pray; Morning, noon and evening un-to Thee I’ll pray. un-to Thee I’ll pray.

4. Thus in life’s glad morning, in its bright noon - day, (In its bright noon - day, In the shad-’wy eve-ning, ev - er will I pray. ev - er will I pray.)

I will pray, I will pray, ev - er will I pray; Morning, noon and evening un-to Thee I’ll pray. un-to Thee I’ll pray.