Class Announcements Three P’s Dead see do-b-schools-still-teach-the-famed-4ps-of-marketing-when-three- are-deadhttp:// do-b-schools-still-teach-the-famed-4ps-of-marketing-when-three- are-dead Final exam is scheduled for 7:00pm April 19 th in main gym Oland Centre Research Part#4 (and bonuses) are due today Returning Assignments #9 and #10 and Research Paper early next week.
Final Exam Worth: 35% Time: 7:00pm Saturday April 19th Location: Main Gym Oland Centre Coverage: (Chpts & any assigned readings) Format: Choice of four out of five short answer questions (approx. 30 minutes per question) Question format similar to the midterm Time: 2.0 hours
Final Exam Coverage: Topic Coverage Agency Theory (Chpt 9) Corporate Governance Executive Compensation (Chpt 10) Earnings Management (Chpt 11) Standard Setting: Economic (Chapter 12)
Final Exam: Preparation Lecture Notes (on-line) Chapter Problems (on-line) Exam Period Office hours are as follows: Wednesday (9th) – 1:00pm -4:00pm (except 2-2:30pm) Thursday (10th) - 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm (except 2-2:30pm) Friday (11 th ) – 12:00 noon - 4:00pm Tuesday (15th) - 12:00 noon – 4:00pm Wednesday (16th) - 2:00 pm – 5:00pm Thursday (17th) - 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm Saturday (18 th ) 12:00 noon- 4:00pm
Good Answers Answer the question specifically Provide definitions or descriptions as appropriate Use accounting theories and accounting theory language to explain concepts (e.g. agency theory) Relate theory to the context of the question Provide an example if appropriate
One of Exam Questions Standard setting by accounting bodies like the CPA/CICA’s Accounting Standard Board (AcSB) is considered to be a form of regulation. Required: How is the standard setting of financial accounting information through the CPA/CICA Handbook considered to be a form of regulation? (5 marks) Provide and discuss the reasons proponents against the regulation of accounting information would provide to support their position. (6 marks) Provide the reasons proponents for the regulation of accounting information would provide to support their position. (6 marks) Describe the costs associated with the production of financial accounting information (4 marks) Explain four approaches to signaling the market that management is confident in their future. (4 marks)