1 Logistics Collaboration Wiki (Peter Yim, CIM3, and Susan Turnbull, GSA): – bin/wiki.pl?SOAforEGovernment_2006_05_2324 –Presentors please call out slide numbers. Telecon: –Remote access: Conference numbers (8 a.m - 5 p.m both days) - Toll Free: ; Washington, DC Area: ; Boston, MA Area: ; and passcode for specific session you are participating in: The code for the main auditorium sessions on both days is: The code for the tutorials on 24 May is: The code for the breakout presentations on 24 May is: –If you have any questions, please contact Rick Tucker at or , or Sophia Brock at or –Note: Please put your calls on Mute but not Hold because some systems introduce disruptive music. Security: –MITRE escort required outside the conference area. –You must turn in your badge when leaving the building. Breaks and Lunch: –Atrium and MITRE Cafeteria, respectively.
2 Logistics – Auditorium May th Set-up Seating Fixed Seating Video Camera PodiumShallow Tables Audience Participation: Please Use Microphone and Face the Video Camera Restrooms MITRE Cafeteria Atrium Entrance Tutorials
3 Logistics – Atrium: Exhibit May 23 rd, 12 NOON-2 PM Tables for Outernet Entry/Exit Tables for Outernet Poster boards (on tables or standalone) Poster boards (on tables or standalone) Tables for Outernet Table for Outernet Table Tops/Displays: 7:30 – 8:30 am: Setup 10:30-11 a.m. Setup 12 noon Setup and Start 2 pm: Stop and Remove Tables: 30” x 60” Posters: 36” tall x 48” wide – triptych: folds at 12”, 24” & 12” so they can stand NUMBERING CLOCKWISE: FINAL NUMBERING SUBJECT TO FINAL SETUP - SEE NUMBERS ON TABLES 1 15
4 Table No. NameOrganizationNameOrganization 1Ron SchmeltzerZapThinkGreg LomowBearing Point 2David SprottCBDIDave MayoEverware 3Cory CasanaveData Access Tech, Inc. George ThomasGSA 4Kash BadamiKapow TechnologiesDoug ClarkDMSO (& MITRE) 5Elisa F. KendallSandpiperMauricio RenziAgent Logic 6Bob Brogan and Sam Ceccola BEA SystemsJudy GasperiniModus Operandi, Inc. 7David RR Webber AC Technologies, Inc.Fred LevyParasoft 8David Allen, et alBooz Allen HamiltonAndrew S. TownleyBearing Point 9Eric MarksAgilePathDenis McGlynn and Michael Hight AmberPoint 10Inge ChengLayer 7 TechnologiesMichael ArlineForum Systems 11Chris DanielsReactivity & MerlinHart RossmanSAIC & Vordell 12Rex BrooksStarbourne Comm.Dean AllemangTopQuadrant 13Ranil DassanayakaHPCharles MosherMetaMatrix 14IAC SOA Committee Members IACIAC SOA Committee Members IAC 15SOA Readiness TestIAC SOA CommitteeSOA Readiness TestIAC SOA Committee
5 Logistics–Atrium: Breakout Session May 24 th, All Day Set-up Seating: 50+ chairs Projection Screen Projector Small Table For Laptop Outernet Connection Laptop-to Projector Cable Entry/Exit Power Tutorials in 1 H302 (see next slide) Non-MITRE Not Permitted Past Here No Access
6 Logistics–1 H 302: Tutorials May 24th, All Day SIGNUP OPENS May 23 rd AT NOON IN THE ATRIUM: –See Slide 1 for Toll Free Number and Passcode Room Adjacent to Atrium: 1H302 - Accommodates 40: –8:30 a.m. Tutorial #1: CBDI, David Sprott –10:00 – 10:30 a.m. BREAK (if desired) –10:30 a.m. Tutorial #1 (continued) –12 noon – 1 p.m. Lunch –1 p.m. Tutorial #2: MDA and Semantic Web Services and Case Study, Elisa Kendall –2:30 – 2:45 p.m. BREAK (if desired) –2:45-4:15 p.m. Tutorial # 2 (continued) Note: 4: PM, Closing Keynote, Richard Soley, CEO, OMG, and 5-5:30 PM, Networking and Then Must Leave the Facility