2014 GCE N Level Results 18 December 2014 A School of Choice & A Community of Life-long Learners 2014 GCE N Level Results 18 December 2014
Programme Outline Progression Information Administrative Information Principal’s Address Collection of Results
Progression Information
Progression Information for 4N(T) Students JIE ‘N’ (2-yr Nitec) JIE ‘E’ (3-yr Nitec)
Progression of 4NT to 4NA Lateral transfer to Sec 4NA if they meet the following transfer criteria, which they must obtain in one sitting of the GCE ‘N’ Level Examination: Grade A for both EL and Maths; and Grade B or better for one other subject.
JIE ‘N’ (2-yr Nitec Course in ITE) Undergo 1 year of Foundation Core curriculum before proceeding to the Career Core curriculum in 2nd year. Students eligible for the 2-yr Nitec Programme will receive a Form N and an admission booklet. Mathematics Qualifying test (MQT) Students with at least 3 GCE 'N' level passes but do not pass Maths or Science may take a Mathematics Qualifying test (MQT) during the application period at the ITE Customer Service Centres. If they pass the test, they will be eligible to apply for more Nitec courses. More information on the MQT is available on http://www.ite.edu.sg/admission/ft/mqt.html
JIE ‘N’ (2-yr Nitec Course in ITE) Students will undergo 1 year of Foundation Core curriculum before proceeding to the Career Core curriculum in the 2nd year. Students eligible for the 2-yr Nitec Programme will receive a Form N and an admission booklet. Students who are offered a course under JIE ‘N’ (2-yr Nitec) will not be offered a course under JIE ‘E’ (3-yr Nitec)
JIE ‘E’ (3-yr Nitec Course in ITE) For NT students with no or 1 GCE ‘N’ level pass. Students who opt for the 3-year Nitec Programme will undergo 2 years of Enhanced Nitec Foundation Programme (e-NFP) before proceeding to the Career Core curriculum in the 3rd year.
JIE ‘E’ (3-yr Nitec Course in ITE) Students eligible for the eNFP will receive a Form N and an admission booklet. Students eligible for the eNFP are advised to apply for the JIE ‘N’ as well as the JIE ‘E’. Applying for e-NFP will improve your chance of enrolling in ITE.
JIE ‘N’ and JIE ‘E’ APPLICATION Application can be submitted through the internet: www.ite.edu.sg Application period: Start: 18 Dec 14 (Thu), 2.30 pm End: 22 Dec 14 (Mon) 5:00 pm
JIE ‘N’ and JIE ‘E’ APPLICATION There is keen competition for places in ITE Nitec courses Not participating in the Main Application Phase greatly reduces a student’s likelihood of gaining a place. Exercise all 12 options in Form N and to include less popular courses to maximise your chances of successful posting. There are sufficient places for N(T) students with 0 or 1 pass in eNFP if they opt for these courses.
Progression Information for 4N(A) Students Promotion to Sec 5NA DPP PFP JIE ‘N’
Promotion to 5NA
Promotion Criteria from 4NA to 5NA Sec 4NA students can be promoted to Sec 5NA if they satisfy the following criteria: Obtained an aggregate of 19 points or less in English Language, Mathematics and best 3 other subjects; and a grade 5 or better for all subjects used in the computation of the aggregate. Submit Application Form (blue) to general office by 22 Dec 14 (Mon), 12 noon
Information for NA students who sat for GCE O-Level Exams Students are allowed to use their school O-Level Prelim Exam results to compute their eligibility for promotion to Sec 5NA or retention in Sec 4NA. Grade conversion table: School ‘O’ level Exam Grade ‘N’ level Grade A1, A2, B3 1 B4, C5, C6 2 D7, E8 3 F9 4
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP)
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) 4NA students can apply for DPP if they satisfy the following criteria: An aggregate score of 19 points or less for EL, Maths and 3 other subjects (exclude CCA); a grade of 4 or better in EL and Maths (A of grade 3 or better in EL for Business and Service courses); and a grade of 5 or better in the 3 other subjects.
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) Students accepted into the DPP will enrol directly into Higher Nitec courses at ITE Guaranteed 1st or 2nd year place in a Polytechnic diploma course mapped to your Higher Nitec, subject to meeting GPA requirements Students who reject their DPP offer will be required to report back to BGSS on 2 Jan 2015 to commence Secondary 5.
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) Eligible students will be invited to apply for the DPP during the JIE Exercise. Applications should be made online through the ITE website (www.ite.edu.sg). Successful applicants will be required to attend a 10-week preparatory course prior to commencing their Higher Nitec courses. For more information, please refer to http://www.ite.edu.sg/wps/portal/definitely-des/.
Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) DPP posting results will be released on 26 Dec 2014 (9 am). Students will be able to check the posting results online via the ITE application portal. Students are required to log on to the DPP websites between 26 Dec 2013 (9 am)and 29 Dec 2013 (11.59 pm) to indicate whether they wish to accept or reject the DPP offer. Students who reject their DPP offer will be required to report back to BGSS on 2 Jan 2015 to commence Secondary 5.
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP)
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) 4NA students can apply for PFP at the Polytechnics if they satisfy the following criteria: An aggregate score of 11 points or less for EL, Maths and 3 other subjects (excluding CCA); To be eligible for the PFP, students must also meet the subject specific requirements stated in www.polytechnic.edu.sg/pfp/pfp_eligibility.html Subject Rqmt Group 1 Courses Group 2 Courses English 3 2 Math 3rd Subj Sc, F&N or D&T: Hum, POA, Art: 2 other Subj
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) The PFP is a one-year foundation programme for polytechnic-bound students offering a practice-oriented curriculum taught by polytechnic lecturers Eligible students will be invited to apply for the PFP. Applications should be made online via http://www.polytechnic.edu.sg/pfp/apply.html For more information, please refer to http://www.polytechnic.edu.sg/pfp/.
Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Students who are only interested in applying for the PFP should first progress to Sec 5, even if they meet the PFP eligibility criteria based on their N(A)-Level . They may then apply for the PFP upon release of the GCE O-Level results. If their application is successful, they will withdraw from Sec 5 by the end of January. All PFP-bound students are required to attend classes up till the last Friday of January.
PFP, DPP & Sec 5N For students who are uncertain and/or interested in both PFP and DPP: If you are certain that you do not want to continue with Sec 5 and pursue the GCE O-Levels, you may apply for the DPP in December and the school will not reserve a place for you in Sec 5. Upon the release of the GCE O-Level results in January, eligible students may apply for the PFP. If you are offered and accept a PFP place, you may withdraw from the DPP. Or You may progress to Sec 5 first. Upon release of the GCE O-Level results in January, you may then apply for the PFP and DPP concurrently. However, application for DPP is subjected to available spaces after the earlier intake exercise.
Retention for 4NA & 2 year Nitec course
JIE ‘N’ (2-yr Nitec Course in ITE) Students eligible for the 2-yr Nitec Programme will receive a Form N and an admission booklet. Students with at least 3 GCE 'N' level passes but do not pass Maths or Science may take a Mathematics Qualifying test (MQT) during the application period at the ITE Customer Service Centres. If they pass the test, they will be eligible to apply for more Nitec courses. More information on the MQT is available on http://www.ite.edu.sg/admission/ft/mqt.html
Repeat 4NA For students who are eligible to repeat in 4NA Obtain application form (yellow) from VP Mrs Ng Siew Bee Submit form to VP Mrs Ng by 22 Dec, Mon 12 noon
Administrative Information
General Information CERTIFICATE AMENDMENT Students should check and ensure that their personal particulars are printed correctly on their result slips. Inform General Office of errors by 19 Dec 14 (Fri), 12 noon. There would be an admin service charge of S$50 per certificate imposed on any request for reprinting of examination certificates (due to error in personal particulars), after they have been issued to students.
General Information Appeal for Review of Results Pupils who have strong ground to believe that there are discrepancies in their result are to approach the general office for the appeal for review of results form. Pupils have to pay $102.70 per appeal per subject. Completed forms are to be submitted together with the fees payable by 23 Dec 14 (Tuesday), 12 noon.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE For students who are repeating 4NA or promoted to 5N. Students who need financial assistance are to go to the General Office to obtain the FAS application form. The financial assistance scheme is only applicable for students who are Singaporean and qualify for Sec 5N or repeating Sec 4NA
What you will receive: GCE N-level Result slip or Notice on arrears in school fees, overdue library loan, overdue Edusave payment. Form N (in mail pouch) ITE’s Admission Booklet with scholarship brochure inserted and ITE’s Traineeship brochure Sec 5NA Application Form (Green in colour) and 5NA Booklist (if you are eligible for 5NA) Submit Application Form to general office by 22 Dec 14 (Mon), 5 pm
4NT pupils who qualify for e-NFP You will also receive: 1 copy of eNFP Invitation Letter for school leaver (addressed to student) 1 copy of eNFP Invitation Letter for parent/guardian (in multiple languages)
ATTIRE Proper attire is necessary when you come back to school to buy textbooks, apply to repeat in 4NA, apply to continue 5NA, etc
Summary Those who have arrears in school fees, overdue library loan, overdue Edusave payment (if any) will only have the result slips after they have made payment at the general office. Those who have not collected the school magazine are to collect at the back of the hall.
Summary Deadline for applications Promoted to 5NA: 22 Dec 14 (Mon), 5 pm Repeat 4NA: 22 Dec 14 (Mon), 5 pm ITE Joint Intake Exercise (DPP, JIE’N’ & JIE’E’) 22 Dec 14 (Mon),5 pm ITE Traineeship Courses 22 Dec 14 (Mon), 5 pm Certificate Amendment: 19 Dec 14 (Fri), 12 noon Appeal for Review of Results: 23 Dec 14 (Tue),12 noon
THANK YOU You may collect your results now.