Fall 2011 DUS Meeting Tuesday, September 27,2011 Cynthia Demetriou, Director for Retention Candice Powell, Retention Specialist
Undergraduate Retention Undergraduate Retention is committed to supporting all students on their path to graduation
Academic Early Warnings Academic Probation Brown Bag Lunches for Faculty & Staff Student Success Workshops One-on-One Student Appointments News & Updates
Academic Early Warnings Open in ConnectCarolina: September 12 th - October 10 th Last Day to Drop A Course: October 17, 2011
Up to 2 comments per student per course: Assignment/Homework Performance Class Participation Quiz/Examination Performance Writing Skills General Concern Immediate Action Suggested Never Attended Intermittent Attendance Stopped Attending Academic Early Warnings
Student notified: By With a “To-Do” item in ConnectCarolina Student must “acknowledge” To-Do Item for it to be removed Each early warning creates an Advisor Note Undergraduate Retention creates reports of student groups and share with partners across campus Academic Early Warnings
1. Visit their instructor during faculty office hours or make an appointment with their instructor. Discuss their progress in the course as well as strategies for improvement. 2. Schedule an appointment with an academic advisor or attend academic advising walk-in hours. Come to the advising meeting prepared to discuss their visit with their instructor, and bring a list of their questions. 3. Utilize University resources designed to help them succeed. Students are provided a full list of resources. What should a student do if he or she receives an early warning?
1.Go to Faculty Center. 2.Click on the “Class Roster” page. 3.Click on the “Academic Early Warning” link in the right corner. 4.Select one or two early warnings per student using the drop down bars in the two columns that say “Early Warning.” 5.When you are done, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the page. Additional information is available in the “User Directions” document ed to all DUS on 9/9/2011. How do instructors enter early warnings in ConnectCarolina?
Academic Probation
Students on academic probation should be directed to Students must complete the following 4 steps: 1. Complete the Self-Assessment. 2. Complete the online Student Success Seminar. 3. Sign the Probation Contract found at the end of the seminar. 4. Make an appointment with your advisor. Self-AssessmentStudent Success Seminar Probation Intervention
Students must meet with an academic advisor at least 2 times during the semester to discuss their progress towards returning to good standing. Students must make an appointment using advising’s online appointment scheduler. Walk-in appointments cannot be used for probation advising. Students must bring a copy of the completed Self-Assessment and the signed Probation Contract to the meeting with the advisor. If students do not complete ALL of the probation steps above, a “stop” will be placed on their account preventing them from registering for future courses. Academic Probation
Academic probation is a one semester opportunity to return to good academic standing. Smart students take advantage of University resources. Normalize help seeking behavior. Key Message for Students on Probation
Brown Bag Lunch Series Student Success: Academics, Wellness and Engagement
October 14 th Understanding and Encouraging the Success of Veteran and ROTC Students with Major Megan Stallings, Department Chair, Military Science 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. Location: Union, Room 2510 November 18 th Diversity of Today’s College Students: How They Live, Learn, and Lead with Terri Houston, Interim Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director, Diversity & Multicultural Affairs 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. Location: Union, Room 2510 December 16 th Helping Grieving Students with Amy Schmitz-Sciborski, Clinical Psychologist, Counseling & Wellness Services with Kevin Shepard, Clinical Psychologist, Counseling & Wellness Services 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. Location: Graham Memorial 011 Join Us!
Student Success Workshops
Student Appointments Meetings with the Retention Specialist
Cynthia Demetriou, Director for Retention Candice Powell, Retention Specialist