College For Kids 2015 Parent Orientation
Welcome! Meet the College for Kids Staff Precollege OPTIONS Staff Nancy Blake Tayler Hughes Rachel Becker Junzhe Wang
Transportation During the summer, lot 60- the lot parents typically use when dropping off their students- is going to be under several phases of construction. This is set to begin in late May, but construction should still be expected during College for Kids. While lot 60 will be open for drop-offs, if you wish to walk your child to their group in person, you will need to park in Lot 75 or 63 (hospital). The links to these and other hourly parking ramps can be found herehere Information on other campus-area construction can be found herehere
Course Group Enrollment Process Be prepared with favorite group choices Practice with your Login and Password Enroll in only one group Chris Dowling, MERIT Library
Additional Information T-shirt Designs can still be submitted for our contest! They are due by Monday, May 4 th. Our Facebook page. We will be posting information here during the program, in addition to our main website.Facebook page
Monday, April 27 noon - Friday, May 1 noon PRACTICE GROUP ENROLLMENT Monday, May 4 th noon - Monday, May 11, 10am ENROLLMENT BEGINS Monday, May 4 th T-SHIRT DESIGN APPLICATION DUE Monday, June 22 – Friday, July 10, 8am to 12:30pm COLLEGE FOR KIDS PROGRAM Friday, July 10 th, 10am to 12:15pm, Overture Center FINAL STUDENT EXHIBITION
WISCareers for Middle School Families Interested in searching for possible career interests for your child? This interactive website offers a great opportunity to explore just that! Questions? Contact Amy Rivera at
College for Kids Suite 264 Teacher Education Building 225 N. Mills St. Madison, WI Questions? College for Kids Website: Enrollment Questions: