September 14, 2011 Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Information Technology Division
09/13/20112 Topic Sub topic PresenterTime IntroductionWelcome noteTom Skinner5 min Report from Roundtables PMO Large Projects/Program Tom Skinner Darrel Harmer 5 min SpeakerTopic: Information Technology in 2012John Letchford40 min Breakout sessions Breakout Session Ground Rules Topic: Project Management in the Commonwealth 2012 Breakout Group Report Shruthi R 40 min 20 min LearnIT! OnDemand Locating PM related training and the PDU matrix Sean Aulson10 min Wrap up Darrel Harmer5 min Agenda
09/13/20113 Roundtable Reports PMOTom SkinnerDirector PMO, EOEEA Large Projects/ Program Darrel HarmerChief Capital Planning Officer, ITD
09/13/20114 PMO Roundtable Update Meeting Schedule: Friday 9/9, Noon to 1 Discussions: Bugs, Enhancements and Change Orders Also discussed: Succession Planning Next meeting: Oct 7 (Noon to 1), 100 Cambridge St, Winthrop CR 10 TH floor (or Con-call)
09/13/20115 Large Project/Program Roundtable Membership open to projects & programs with at least $30M of funding – will likely change over time as projects come and go Large programs have unique constraints, challenges, risks, visibilities and opportunities over and above most projects Roundtable to provide a regular forum for managers and sponsors of these large initiatives to discuss problems and exchange ideas Can help expand CommonWay to include standards for “program management” as distinct from “project management” Next Meeting: Sept 15th
09/13/20116 Large Project/Program Roundtable Large Project/Program Roundtable Members NameRole Marcie DesmondSCIO, A&F Vinnie PiccinniDeputy SCIO, A&F Steve GeddisProgram Manager, MassTax2 Barry LaCroixChild Support Enforcement, COMETS HD Michele A CristelloChild Support Enforcement, COMETS HD Patricia WadaProgram Manager, MassHR Corey JenksARRA & Transparency, A&F Mary-Joe PerrySCIO, MassDOT Diane NawrockiDirector IT PMO, MassDOT Colleen OgilvieDeputy Registrar, RMV Clayton MartinDirector IT PMO, EOLWD Steve DennehyProgram Manager, Springfield Data Center Darrel HarmerChief Capital Planning Officer, ITD Shruthi RangathyagarajanContent Delivery Specialist, ITD
09/13/20117 Speaker Topic: “Information Technology in 2012” John Letchford Commonwealth Chief Information Officer
IT: Ancient History The first electronic computer appeared 65 years ago – It was about 80 feet long, weighed 30 tons, and had 17,000 tubes – Today’s PCs can store a million times more information and are 50,000 times faster In 1943, Thomas Watson, IBM’s chairman, predicted there would be a world market for five computers In 1977, Ken Olson, founder of Digital, said: “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.” By the early ’90s, a Hallmark greeting card that could play "Happy Birthday" had more computing power than existed on the entire planet in the early ’50s 809/13/2011
IT: Today Your living room has more computing power than landed Neil Armstrong on the moon in 1969 – Apollo's computers had less processing power than a cellphone Some statistics: – ~1.8 billion people connect to the Internet – 1 billion computers in use – 4 billion cell phones in use, 3 million sold every day The average American depends on over 250 computers each day (mainframes to microprocessors) 50% of adults use social networking sites (5% in 2005) By April 2011, Amazon sold more e-books than printed books Google uses 15 billion kWh of electricity per year, more than most countries 909/13/2011
IT: Visions for Tomorrow… In the next 10 years, we will see a 20-time increase in home networking speeds Within two years, information on the Internet will double every 11 hours The Internet will evolve to perform instantaneous communication, regardless of distance By 2050, $1,000 worth of computing power will equal the processing power of all human brains on earth By 2025, teleportation at the particle level will begin By 2030, artificial implants for the brain will take place Today, we know 5% of what we will know in 50 years 10 Source: Dave Evans, Chief Futurist, Cisco IBSG Innovations Practice, /13/2011
Key Questions 09/13/ What does this mean for Information Technology at the Commonwealth? How do we cope with and take advantage of this incredible rate of change? How does IT help shape government to meet the constantly expanding and dynamic needs of its “customers” – citizens, businesses and government itself? What does this mean for Information Technology at the Commonwealth? How do we cope with and take advantage of this incredible rate of change? How does IT help shape government to meet the constantly expanding and dynamic needs of its “customers” – citizens, businesses and government itself?
IT Strategic Focus More effective and coherent services for constituents Greater efficiency for state government operations Improved information security More effective and coherent services for constituents Greater efficiency for state government operations Improved information security 09/13/201112
FY12 Commonwealth IT Priorities Strategic IT Initiatives 1.Network Architecture 2.Springfield Data Center 3.Service Oriented Architecture & Identity Management 4.Business Intelligence 5.eGovernment 6.IT Consolidation 7.Commonwealth Service Excellence 8.Enterprise Security 9.Systems Modernization & Transformation FY12 IT Support for Governor’s Key Business Initiatives 1.Education and Closing the Achievement Gap 2.Health IT and Healthcare Cost Containment 3.Safer Neighborhoods and Eliminating Youth Violence 4.Increasing jobs in Massachusetts 1309/13/2011
FY12 Commonwealth IT Priorities (cont.) Support Reform Agendas 1.Drive Commonwealth IT Reform 2.Commonwealth Procurement Reform 3.Commonwealth Print/Mail Consolidation 4.Federal IT Reform Other Key Information Technology Initiatives 1.Massachusetts Global Information Services 2.NewALARS 3.MassTAX2 4.Enable MassHR / HR Modernization 5.IT Financing 1409/13/2011
Top 5 Commonwealth IT Priorities for FY12 Springfield Data Center eGovernment IT Consolidation Health IT and Healthcare Cost Containment IT Financing Springfield Data Center eGovernment IT Consolidation Health IT and Healthcare Cost Containment IT Financing 1509/13/2011
Springfield Data Center (SDC) The SDC will help ensure that the state's computer systems and digital assets continue to be properly secured and maintained, while providing greater opportunities for operational efficiency for the Commonwealth. Key part of strategy to manage our technology more effectively and efficiently by consolidating the Executive Department’s distributed data centers into two efficiently managed facilities Will serve as backup to the Massachusetts Information Technology Center (MITC), the Commonwealth's primary data center in Chelsea Will be a national model for green and environmentally-friendly data centers Will help support economic recovery for the city of Springfield with new construction jobs and permanent jobs to operate the facility 1609/13/2011
17 SDC – Under Construction 09/13/2011
SDC in /13/2011
eGovernment 19 We are working to make state government more accessible and transparent to constituents. Implement new Mass.Gov content management tool Implement and release Open Checkbook Publish an eGovernment Strategic Plan – Define how we will integrate and expand upon current initiatives: Data transparency Civic engagement Open data Performance and accountability Social media Business intelligence Mobility Delivery of secretariat/agency-specific information 09/13/2011
IT Consolidation Results to date: – All 8 secretariats have SCIOs – IT budgets have been rolled up to the secretariat level – Number of helpdesks reduced from 43 to 19 – Number of desktop/LAN teams reduced from 55 to 20 – Deployed the LearnIT! program, including the LearnIT! OnDemand elearning environment – to provide IT staff with training on technical topics, project management, and key disciplines – Consolidated 9 data centers from dispersed locations into MITC 20 Priorities for FY12: – Complete helpdesk and desktop/LAN consolidation – Substantially complete EOHHS data center consolidation – Implement factory-style process for all data center migrations – Migrate remaining sites to Mass.Gov – Develop plan for application consolidation at secretariats – Continue consolidation of and migration to MassMail – Extend adoption of Service Excellence standards across Commonwealth We have made great strides in meeting our IT Consolidation goals, but we have more work to do. 09/13/2011
Health IT and Health Care Cost Containment There are many initiatives related to IT and Health Care, including: Adoption of Electronic Health Records to improve access to comprehensive, coordinated health care Implementation of a data and measures framework that demonstrably improves the quality and safety of health care across all providers, e.g. reporting, evidence-based decision support Slowing the growth of health care spending through efficiencies realized through Health IT, e.g. decreased redundant testing Implementation of efficient, accurate, reliable, and secure health information exchange processes Lowering the cost of health care by using integrated care organizations (ICOs or ACOs) and value-based payment methods 2109/13/2011
IT Funding at the Commonwealth 09/13/ Massachusetts has historically underinvested in technology. FY12 GAA sustains a budget reduction for a second year. Sustained 9% reduction Difference in IT Funding from FY10 to FY Gartner Research. IT Key Metrics Data 2011: Key Industry Measures: Government: State and Local Analysis: Current Year. December IT Spend as a % of Total Operating Budget 1 2 FY12 GAA data represents ANF, EOEEA, EOHHS, EOE, EOPSS, and EOHED. It does not include: -$19.7M in federal funds for Child Support Enforcement COMETS project -Data for the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development -Data for MassDOT 1.7% 2.7% 4.3%
IT Funding at the Commonwealth 23 Our funding challenge is several-fold: – Historic underfunding of IT through appropriations has inhibited investment in our infrastructure – Our funding model does not provide for costs associated with operating and maintaining new systems built through capital and federal grant funds once they become operational – Two consecutive years of budget reductions have significantly impacted our ability to maintain and operate our IT environment Actions taken by secretariats to weather the challenging financial environment are no longer sustainable Recent efficiency gains made through consolidation and enhanced procurement efforts are at risk Our approach to solving this challenge is two-fold: – Work with ANF and Legislature to agree stopgap measures by October 1 st to meet immediate needs in FY12 – Working on development of creative, alternative ways to “right- size” our IT budget and sustainably fund IT in the future 09/13/2011
Role of Project Managers in the Commonwealth’s IT Future Successful project managers are critical to our ability to deliver on our agenda for IT in the Commonwealth – To drive execution of key projects, we have developed a consistent standards based methodology and process -- CommonWay – PMs are the key to delivering key projects as you bring the technical and business sides together in each project and drive towards completion LearnIT! OnDemand includes a rich variety of project management courses – take advantage of this opportunity! This collaborative community we are building – in which participants can share experiences, learn from each other, and grow – will be vital to our ultimate success 24 09/13/2011
25 Questions?
09/13/ Breakout Session Topic: “Project Management in the Commonwealth 2012” Shruthi R Content Delivery Specialist, ITD
09/13/ Breakout Session: Ground Rules Overall Session - 1 hr. (Breakout session – 40 min & Report back – 20 min) See your Index card for group identification Move to specific locations Group Room # Facilitators Group 1 Minihan Hall Allen Kieslich Group 2 Minihan Hall Steve Goliger Group A/B Alexis Shaw Group Donna MacDonald Small group discussions Topic of Discussion: “Project Management in the Commonwealth 2012” Identify your spokesperson/scribe Each group spokesperson to report - 5 min each group
09/13/ LearnIT! OnDemand Sean Aulson LearnIT! Program Lead, ITD
09/13/ Presentation outline Locating Project Management related training solutions General Navigation Search and Learn Course Catalog Certifications My Plan / My Progress PDUs – Qualifying course matrix and location LearnIT! OnDemand website:
09/13/ LearnIT! OnDemand – Home page
09/13/ Search & Learn – Keyword search on Project Management
09/13/ Search & Learn – Keyword search on PMP Fourth Edition
09/13/ Course Catalog – Project Management Learning Tracks and Certifications
09/13/ Course Catalog – PMP Certification
09/13/ LearnIT! OnDemand – My Plan
09/13/ LearnIT! OnDemand – My Progress
09/13/ LearnIT! OnDemand – Qualifying Courses for PDUs PDU Certification Matrix located on LearnIT! website:
09/13/ Wrap up Darrel Harmer Chief Capital Planning Officer, ITD
09/13/ Q& A / Wrap up / Next steps Next PM Connect meeting (December 15th, 9:30 am - noon) CommonWay Click Here PM Connect Click Here Roundtables Click Here LearnIT! OnDemand Click Here Presentation Material Click Here Generic Mailbox