Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Today is Wednesday January 7 Day 2
This month, on Saturday January 24 th, Oakland Catholic will be hosting their annual semi-formal dance for all grades in our fabulous auxiliary gym. The theme is black and white, Old Hollywood! Forms are available in the office. Pick up your BLUE contract in the office, and a PINK form if you wish to ask a date. A NIGHT AT THE O S C ARS
Theater Audition Clinic will be held on Wednesday, January 7 - come and meet other actors, and warm up for auditions. Auditions for "You Can't Take It With You" will be held on Thursday, January 8 after school in the JOA Theater.
ATTENTION ALL FORENSICS STUDENTS: Please check your s regarding practices and tournaments for the upcoming week. Speech and Debate will meet as scheduled on Tuesday, but there will be no Thursday or Friday practices this week. Please see Mr. MacDonald or Mrs. Rinkacs if you have questions.
Interested in learning more about computer science and coding? Consider participating in a new program: Girls Who Code Club Sign up in the collaboration room or see Mrs. Maxwell. MISSION: Girls Who Code programs work to inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. First Meeting: Monday, January 12 at 3:00 pm in the Library
Stage Crew Anyone interested in joining stage crew for the Masque production of Marry Poppins should attend a meeting in the band room at Central Catholic after school on Wednesday January 7th. If you've ever thought about trying stage crew, now is the time! We need as much help as possible and no experience is necessary. Any questions see junior Kathryn Hornayk.
Attention Senior Team Mr. Flohr will again offer his new mini course: Getting Ready for College - Surviving the 1st Semester Successfully! Feb :45 to 4:45 Cost: $40 Mark your calendar. Detail later.
OC Ski and Snowboard Club Friday, January 16 is the next planned Ski and Snowboard Club trip to Seven Springs. Go to our edmodo page and respond to the poll by Tuesday, January 6 at the end of the school day. If enough students sign up I will have a final cost to you by Wednesday. Cash or checks made payable to Oakland Catholic will be due on Thursday, January 8. Be sure to check the edmodo page for more details or see Mr. Kornosky in 202.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all Model UN students in Mrs. Rinkacs' Room - J303, immediately after school on Thursday. Students should bring their computers to work on Policy Papers. Also, if you have not yet made your final payment for the New York City trip, you should see Mrs. Rinkacs immediately as your payment is now past due.
There will be a yearbook meeting after school on Monday January 12th.
The cheerleaders will be competing at the WPIALs this Saturday, January 10 at Hempfield High School at noon. Admission for students is $5.
All who have signed up for the March for Life must bring in their money by Thursday, Jan. 8th. All who have signed up for the March for Life must bring in their money by Thursday, Jan. 8th.