Finding information: Classics & Ancient History resources Richard Holmes October 2014
Aims of the session To help you: Use the library effectively, and make the most of our services and resources Find and retrieve good quality academic resources Know who to contact for further help
Ok; I’m listening. What’s your point? By christiem at Free Images
By Mattosaur4 at Free Images
By Henkster at Free Images
Environment, Facilities & Services Computer rooms Loanable laptops Wi - fi throughout. Network plugs too Group / individual study rooms Silent areas / quiet areas / social areas Book scanner 1.6 m books, 40 k of shelving, 20 k + journal titles Liaison Librarian Support By MassassiUK at Wikimedia Commons
4 steps to finding information1. Identify keywords 2. Decide where to search 3.Search 4. Review results
Search Tips Identify keywords from your topic: “Analyse the design of Greek costume” Advanced searching techniques: Synonyms: costume OR clothing \ design OR pattern Truncation: design* = designs, designer, designed, designing Wildcards: colo?r to locate colour or color Phrases: “Greek costume” Joining Words: AND, OR, NOT
The Library (Print Resources) And in ‘remote store’
The Library Online Resources
Subject Specific Tools & Support
What information do you need? –Introduction/overview of a topic, theory, idea, concept? Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries (online and in print) –Background information? Textbook/E-book –Information on the latest research? Journal Article Conference Paper News item
3. Search : The Library Catalogue Good for: Looking for specific books or journals. Finding if we have any books all about your subject Useless for finding: Chapters Articles Theses Conference papers Newspaper articles Images The catalogue is bobbins for doing serious research!
Search : ‘Discover’ New tool (so not running perfectly yet) Searches more deeply than the catalogue Identifies relevant chapters, and articles, as well as materials not recorded in the catalogue Searches beyond Durham University holdings (optional) Links directly to full text (where available) Link appears under the catalogue search box
Library Databases Databases search a wide range of journal articles Some are databases of content –JSTOR Others are just tools for identifying content –L’Année Philologique –Web of Science –Use ConneXions to see if Durham subscribes to the content No single database will cover everything!
5. Review your results Are your results useful? –Do you need to change your keywords or search in a different database? –Use one record to find similar useful resources Evaluate the quality of your sources –particularly if they are found on the internet Keep references – yourself useful references
E-resources: Common Problems Always navigate to resources through the catalogue (especially if off-campus) Check coverage dates Close DUO Check catalogue record; are login details required? –Library homepage E-journals E-journal Passwords with
Guidance: Help & Information Desk Liaison Librarian Research Skills Training Online Tutorials Downloadable Guides https :// www. dur. ac. uk / library / using / enq uiries / k Image at MoD Images
In Summary… Good research skills improve grades and employability (but you have to put the effort in to learn them) No one database finds everything; use multiple resources. Full text databases search deeply, but across a limited spectrum of literature Bibliographic databases search more broadly, but do not contain full text We do not subscribe to everything. Use the ConneXions button to check for full text availability You can access all our e-resources, anytime, anywhere Support and guidance is available throughout your studies. If in doubt… …ask a librarian!
Drop-in support Monday 3 rd November. 10am - Noon Friday 14 th November. 10am - Noon Bill Bryson Library, consultation room, (opposite Help & Information Desk) By Renaudeh at Free Images