Anabolic Steroid Use Champions At Any Price
Ben Johnson Tested positive Play race clip
Lyle Alzado & Bill Romanowski Admitted steroid users
Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits steroid use during his bodybuilding years
Ken Caminiti Admitted steroid user
Jason Giambi Admitted steroid user
Jose Canseco Admitted steroid user
Sammy Sosa Continues to deny steroid use
Barry Bonds Continues to deny steroid use
Steroids AnabolicCortico
Corticosteroids Synthetic (man-made) cortisone Used to treat: –Allergies –Asthma (bronchosteroids) –Skin conditions
Anabolic Steroids Synthetic testosterone (“male hormone”) Testosterone is found in all people, but in larger amounts in males
Testosterone Facts At puberty, the pituitary gland signals the production and release of testosterone. Testosterone causes –Deepening voice –Development of facial, underarm & pubic hair –Broadening shoulders –Enlargement of external sex organs –Testes to begin producing sperm –Increased muscular development
Anabolic Steroids Used to treat –Blood disorders –Breast cancer –Osteoporosis –Increase muscle size, strength & speed When prescribed for these purposes, anabolic steroids are LEGAL!
Anabolic / Androgenic Steroids Anabolic – enhances tissue development Androgenic – produce masculine characteristics
Anabolic / Androgenic Steroids Because the body senses the higher levels of testosterone in the body, it stops producing the natural testosterone. This causes feminine characteristics to become apparent in men –Breast development –Testicular atrophy (shrinking)
Side effects in females Increased body hair, particularly on the face Changes in facial features Decrease in breast size Deepened voice – permanent Infertility
Other Side Effects Scarring acne on back, chest & thighs Elevated cholesterol levels –Increases risk of heart attack Liver problems Cancer Decreased immune system function Psychological problems – “roids rage”
Pulled off teammate’s helmet and punched him in the left eye, ending his career. Busting Kerry Collins’ jaw in two places, knocking Collins out for the season and earning “Romo” a $20,000 fine--a hit Romo now says “was one that you dream about.” Spitting in the face of teammate J.J. Stokes and calling him a n*****. (allegedly). While at the bottom of a pile fishing for a loose ball, deliberately snapping the finger of Giants running back Dave Meggett. Roids Rage? You be the judge…
Famous Documented Cases
Lyle Alzado DEAD at age 42 of brain cancer.
Ben Johnson 100m World Record at 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics Gold medal and WR stripped due to positive steroid test
Ken Caminiti 1996 NL MVP DEAD at age 41 due to a heart attack
Using Other Supplements There are many “natural” substances available Many are not considered illegal HOWEVER, the long-term negative effects are not known. With hard work and dedication, you can still achieve your dreams without relying on drugs and supplements.
Anabolic Steroid Use Champions At Any Price