Aggressive Driving ISBOE1 Driver Education Aggressive Driving Unit
Aggressive Driving ISBOE2 Aggressive Driving Statistics One-third of all crashes: related to aggressive driving behaviors - NHTSA Aggressive driving: plays a part in two- thirds of all traffic fatalities - USDOT Aggressive Driving: One of the top three driving highway safety concerns along with DUI & non-use of seat belts – USDOT Aggressive Driving is more of a threat than DUI AAA Survey
Aggressive Driving ISBOE3 Aggressive Driving Statistics Illinois State Police reported aggressive & reckless driving as the single largest call for service in Chicago. Aggressive Driving & Illinois Law - Aggressive driving actions are charged under Illinois’ reckless driving statutes. - Fines and penalties may be levied up to $1500 require traffic school, and/or attend victim impact panel discussions.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE4 12 Illinois Aggressive Driving Violations In Illinois, aggressive driving is defined as committing any two or more of the following violations in a single act or series of acts. Improper Lane Usage Improper Passing On the Right Improper Shoulder Driving Following Too Closely Disobeying Police Officer
Aggressive Driving ISBOE5 12 Illinois Aggressive Driving Violations 6. Disobeying Traffic Control Device Or Sign 7. Drag Racing 8. Speeding - In School & Construction Zones 9. Improper U-Turn 10. Failure To Signal 11. Failure To Yield 12. Disobeying Railroad Crossing Signal
Aggressive Driving ISBOE6 Legislative Penalties For The Aggressive Driver Penalties May Include Any Or All Of The Following Fines Prison Time Required Aggressive Driving Education Suspension of License Revocation of License
Aggressive Driving ISBOE7 What is Aggressive Driving? Driving which creates undue risk or endangers the safety of another person or vehicle. Involves the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner which endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property – NHTSA Aggressive driving may range from personal risk-taking behavior to hostile actions towards other motorists. NHTSA characterizes aggressive driving as a traffic offense.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE8 What is Road Rage? Driving which creates undue risk or endangers the safety of another person or vehicle. Road rage refers to a display of aggression by an angry or impatient motorist who attempts to injure or kill another driver over a traffic dispute NHTSA characterizes road rage as a criminal offense vs. aggressive driving which is viewed as a traffic offense.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE9 Symptoms of Aggressive Driving Thoughts of violence against other users Always driving in a hurry Constantly criticizing other drivers Not observing laws you do not agree with Believing that your driving is not part of the problem
Aggressive Driving ISBOE10 Emotional Impairments Associated With Aggressive Driving 1. Driving through red lights. 2. Driving through yellow lights. 3. Rolling stops. 4. Cutting corners or rolling over double center lines. 5. Blocking intersections. 6. Failure to yield. Category 1: Impatience and Inattentiveness
Aggressive Driving ISBOE11 Emotional Impairments Associated With Aggressive Driving 7. Improper lane change or weaving. 8. Driving 5 to 15 miles per hour over the limit. 9. Following too closely. 10. Not signaling when required. 11. Erratically slowing or speeding up. 12. Taking too long/ inefficient driving. Category 1: Impatience and Inattentiveness
Aggressive Driving ISBOE12 Emotional Impairments Associated With Aggressive Driving Category 2: Power Struggle 1. Closing the gap to prevent entry. 2. Threatening or insulting by yelling, gesturing, or honking repeatedly. 3. Tailgating to punish or coerce. 4. Cutting off to retaliate. 5. Braking suddenly to retaliate.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE13 Emotional Impairments Associated With Aggressive Driving Category 3: Recklessness & Road Rage 1. Chasing in a duel. 2. Driving drunk. 3. Pointing a gun or shooting. 4. Assaulting with the car or battering object. 5. Driving at very high speeds.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE14 Aggressive Driving Profiles Steering Clear Of Highway Madness - Dr. John Larson Identifies 5 categories of aggressive drivers. Speeders – Getting to a destination as fast as possible. Passive Aggressors – View driving events as win/lose situations. Narcissists – Angered by drivers who do not drive the way they want them to. Vigilantes – Believing it is their right or duty to teach a lesson. Competitors – Always wanting to win & be first.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE15 Aggressive Driving Trigger Events Dr. Arnold Nerenberg - Characterizes four major traffic situations that trigger aggressive driving. 1. Feeling Endangered 2. Being Detained (When Others Drive Too slowly) 3. Watching Others Disregard Rules of the Road 4. Feeling the Need To Retaliate
Aggressive Driving ISBOE16 Aggressive Driving Personality – Emotions - Attitudes Aggressive Predisposition: High Anger Drivers Drive more aggressively. Perception Of Other Drivers Actions: Beliefs Regarding Other Driver’s Motives. Mood Effects - AAA Study: Identified Unsafe Driver’s More Affected By Mood. Restrained Behavior: Drivers Are Less Restrained Regarding Behavior Because They Feel They Will Not See Other Drivers Again.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE17 Aggressive Driving Personality – Emotions - Attitudes Territorial Nature: People See Their Vehicle As Part Of Their Personal Space. Learned Behavior: Children Grow Up Watching Their Parents Drive Aggressively Along with Media Reinforcement. Acceptance: Societal Acceptance Of Aggressive Driving Increasing. Power & Control: An Addictive Sense of Power & Control Are Attributed To Aggressive Driving
Aggressive Driving ISBOE18 Aggressive Driving Solutions Create a relaxing environment with music. Remind yourself that you can’t change other drivers, but you can change your response to them. Practice self conscious driving: Think positively regardless of the bad driving around you. Before You Drive
Aggressive Driving ISBOE19 Aggressive Driving Solutions While You Drive Adopt the values of cooperation, tolerance and rationality. Monitor your thoughts. Recognize that everyone makes mistakes.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE20 Aggressive Driving Solutions While You Drive When you do get angry create a distraction - Count to 20 - Turn on the radio. Calm yourself by talking through the situation. Breathe deeply, use breathing techniques to relax and regain control.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE21 Am I An Aggressive Driver? Tape record yourself while driving Listen to the comments later & note how you are really acting or thinking while driving. Ask others to comment on your driving Websites with road rage quizzes:
Aggressive Driving ISBOE22 Summary - Be Wise Avoid all conflict if possible. If challenged: - take a deep breath - get out of the way (Even if you are right.) Instead try to be more forgiving and tolerant. Recognize the absurdity of traffic disputes. Focus on what’s really important in life. Save your energy and your life-for something really important.
Aggressive Driving ISBOE23 Summary Emotional Challenges Driving is emotionally challenging because unexpected events happen constantly. Drivers must learn to challenge the thoughts that provoke anger before it leads to aggressive & unmanageable driving. This may necessitate drivers undergoing a driving personality makeover!