FINANCIAL SUPPORT Unorganized in methods of funding Pooled money: Pawning valuables, trust funds, family, drugs, liquidating accounts, financial aid, few held jobs. Stole food from stores to save money
ALLIANCES No ties outside the country Symbionese Liberation Army and Federation: Diverse, anti-fascist. Patricia Hearst, 1974 Black Panther Party: Investigated SLA Black Liberation Army
RECRUITMENT Word of mouth Days of Rage brought in up to 800 new members Recruitment efforts spread through Seattle, New York, San Francisco, Boston, Madison WI, etc. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Ann Arbor MI, Chicago and Detroit received larger recruitment efforts Days of Rage hurt relationship with Black Panthers
CONCLUSION Not very financially organized. Had connections to other activist groups in the US, no monetary support. Had small numbers but the Days of Rage helped slightly increase membership, while also damaging established connections.