Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Women in the workforce - Addressing the challenge of demographic change Luisella Pavan-Woolfe DG Employment,


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Presentation transcript:

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Women in the workforce - Addressing the challenge of demographic change Luisella Pavan-Woolfe DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Gender equality n A mission of the Community (EC Treaty) n Goes beyond equal opportunities and anti-discrimination n Not an issue for women only n Concerns every citizen during the whole life cycle

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Gender gaps on the EU labour market n Employment rate : 15% n Pay gap : 15% n Part time work: 30.4% vs. 6.6% n 30% managers, 10% board members, 3% of CEOs are women

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Treaty of Rome Equal pay for equal work Treaty of Amsterdam Gender mainstreaming and positive actions in areas of concern Legislation Financial programme Framework strategy for EU Policies Lisbon Strategy Structural funds

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Gender mainstreaming of the employment strategy n Member States should –Support female employment –Reduce gender gaps in employment, unemployment and pay –Promote measures to reconcile work and family life (childcare, care for other dependants) –Reach at least a 60% female employment rate by 2010

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Demographic challenge n Demographic decline n Fertility rate n Ageing society n By 2030: 15% reduction of working age population n Green paper in 2005 n Gender equality central

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Work-life balance Addresses 3 objectives: n Employment : removes obstacles to enter and stay on the labour market n Demography: positive effect on fertility rates n Gender : involvement of men contributes to gender equality

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Gender mainstreaming of structural funds n Essential support to policies n Ability to initiate a change in policy but n Measures concentrate in employment and human resources n Gender aspects should also concern environment, transport, R&D

Emploi, affaires sociales et égalité des chances Conditions for success n Pursue the dual approach of positive actions and gender mainstreaming n Political commitment n Selection criteria and monitoring n Institutional machinery (e.g. High Level Group)