DoD Firefighter Certification System An overview of the workings of the FFCS
FFCS Beginnings DoD recognized the need for a standard program for the training and certification of firefighters within the various branches, Navy, Air Force, Army and Marines. The Air Force was tasked with developing the program from their existing CDC program.
FFCS Grandfathering Between 1993 and 1994 all Fire Chiefs were to submit their personnel to The Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency (AFCESA) for Grandfathering into the positions at which they were holding. Example: a Firefighter on a base with a flying activity was grandfathered into F/F II and Airport Firefighter.
FFCS Reciprocity After the Grandfathering phase, personnel could submit other levels for reciprocity. Training curriculums for those levels had to meet NFPA standards. Training also had to be recognized by an accrediting agency such as IFSAC or NPQS. Some states, such as Florida, were not accredited therefore reciprocity was not granted.
FFCS Reciprocity (1997) The DoD recognized the NFPA Fire Officer III and IV standard and issued certification for all those in the Assistant Chief and Fire Chief ranks. Also covered were Fire Service Instructor I & II, although no certifications were issued. There has been some confusion as to personnel certifications with this standard.
FFCS Haz-Mat Haz-Mat was not originally targeted for grandfathering, nor was reciprocity granted. Only after successfully challenging the CerTest Haz-Mat tests for those levels were certificates awarded. Only after concerns from Firefighters in accredited states, meeting NFPA 472 requirements for Haz-Mat Training, was reciprocity granted for Haz-Mat Training
FFCS Regulations Governing the Process DoD M: DoD Fire and Emergency Services Certification Program AFM : Hazardous Material Emergency Planning and Response Program AFI : Firefighter Certification Program 29CFR Haz-Mat Waste Operations and Emergency Response
FFCS Components Extension Course Institute (ECI) IFSTA Manuals Lesson Plans, Videos, Hands-on Training CerTest Performance Testing AFCESA IFSAC
FFCS Extension Course Institute Provides the materials needed to guide the firefighter through the level of training. These materials are- Instructor Guide Sheets Performance Test Supplement
FFCS ECI- Instructor Guide Sheets Provides requirements for training based on applicable NFPA 1000 series for that level. NFPA standards are given to show what the learning objective is trying to obtain. The Learning Objectives LO/OBJ numbers correspond to sections of the CerTest Certification Course Review Exercise (CCRE)
FFCS Instructor Guide Sheets References shows all publications used for that unit of training. Additional Information show videos or other media used for training that section. By utilizing the referenced material, Firefighter should be able to study all information to prepare him for the Post test.
FFCS IFSTA Manuals All training will follow IFSTA Manuals for informational content. ECI and AFCESA, unfortunately, are not changing as fast as IFSTA is. Some newer manuals have changed from the ECI course material. If IFSTA is referenced then that is where you will find the information.
FFCS Lesson Plans Lesson plans should follow the course content as much as possible. The Air Force Reserve has been tasked to create lesson plans for the FFCS. They can be found at Daily training should follow the lesson plan as much as possible.
FFCS Videos Videos were produced by Action Training Systems, Inc. They follow the IFSTA manual very well. Most information found on post tests can be seen on the applicable video. Unfortunately, videos were only made for the F/F I & II, D/O Pumper & Aerial, and Haz-Mat. Other videos can be found made by other companies
FFCS Training By following the DoD Firefighter Certification System the training requirements are set. For personnel on up-grade training the daily training should meet the objectives of the FFCS as much as possible. F/F I and F/F II objectives are the Basic training for all firefighters.
FFCS Training Computerized training tracking programs should be used to track the progress of training. There are various types of programs available. Individual Files should be keep on each firefighter to track his training. Personnel taking CerTest should keep a floppy disc of their progress.
FFCS CerTest Is the interactive computer based program designed to test, evaluate, and certify a firefighters’ knowledge of a subject. All bases should be using the 3.0 version of CerTest. A How-Do-I guide and Procedural Manual are included on all CerTest CD-ROM’s to assist the program Manager.
FFCS CerTest Computers where CerTest is loaded should be in a ‘test control facility’. ALL CerTest Test are to be proctored by a firefighter with that level of training being tested or higher. AFCESA and IFSAC will periodically inspect test sites for compliance.
Training Library and Testing Lab
FFCS CerTest Types of tests available on CerTest- Pre tests-assess knowledge level Post tests: Used to check the students knowledge of a unit. CCRE: Used of gauge a students under standing of the course. Haz-Mat level CerTest
FFCS CerTest Haz-Mat Tests: Used to gauge the students knowledge of Haz-Mat level Taught by a Train-the-Trainer. or: To allow the student to challenge a level which he already has through an appropriate school. or: To gauge the students understanding of the Multi-media content (Awareness or Operations)
FFCS CerTest Site Specific tests: Made by the program managers Can be created for unique base needs. Or: For additional help in certain subjects, such as Haz-Mat. Can be used as a testing program for various subjects (EMT, Paramedic, EVOC) May be taken as many times as needed.
FFCS Certification Examination To be taken in a proctored environment. Fire Stations should not be test sites. Multiple GUESS questions. Questions will be similar to CerTest Questions After passing the CE the program Manager will set the Performance test date 10 day notice via the internet with AFCESA.
FFCS Performance Test Performance Test supplements were prepared with help from IFSTA. Firefighter should have been trained to perform all the task in the performance test supplement before the test is done. Test are broken down into Stations. NFPA objectives are sited. Task are described
FFCS Performance Test Evaluator will have the certification level being graded. Evaluator should not be the person who trained the Student. All task should be carried out unless there is a Student or evaluator option stated. If the task is not carried out at the Base, then the task can be omitted with explanation.
FFCS Skills Test Will state for which personnel classification, I.e. Firefighter I Will show the NFPA objective. The Task. The Setting, such as fireground, classroom, burn area. Tools/equipment Attainment Standard, I.e. 10 min. Elements/Steps
FFCS Performance Testing If there is not a qualified evaluator in your department, you may use a municipal fire department. Municipal Departments may also be used if you do not have equipment to perform a task. Area burn buildings an instructors may be used.
Multi -Task Trainer
Forcible Entry Area and Ventilation
FFCS Performance Testing-MAFTD The Mobile Aircraft Firefighting Training Device or MAFTD has been evaluated by AFCESA and meets the requirements for aircraft burn testing for the Airport Firefighter Cert. The MAFTD also can be used for Structural Burn training/testing. Call Asst. Chief Bruce Grimes, NS Mayport DSN
Southeast Region MAFTD
View from the Operator’s Control Panel
MAFTD Cargo Area Fire
NS Mayport MAFTD Motley Crew
FFCS Package To AFCESA Once the firefighter successfully completes the performance testing the paperwork needs to be sent to AFCESA. The AFRES website provides a download of sample Firefighter Certification Packages. The package will be evaluated by the AFCESA staff.
FFCS Certification After the AFCESA staff evaluates the package, a DoD Firefighter Certification Program Cert will be sent. The Certification will have an IFSAC seal with a cert number. A copy of the Certification and number should be placed in the students’ file and an to ECI will enroll the firefighter in the next level.