Research Funding: Navigating the DOD David Dorman, DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT
Military Branch Research Offices Air Force Navy USMC Army DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DOD Nomenclature Grants –Qualitatively similar to other funding agencies Grant review process may be less transparent –ID of “study section” members etc –Not all grants are peer- reviewed Co-author Collaborator Consulted on Iraqi sand project and TBI DOD lead project Asked to consult on burn pit issues $ $ Relationship building!!
DOD Nomenclature Grants and Contracts (“6” Money) –Science and Technology (S & T) Basic research (6.1) Applied research (6.2) Advanced technology development (6.3) Other categories (6.4 to 6.7) –Engineering –Facility support –Contracts (and some grants) More reporting (e.g., monthly) Briefing meetings
DOD Grants and Contracts Also used to develop or augment in- house capabilities of DOD personnel or labs Career military scientists Co-authorship expectations DOD clearance of publications Expertise varies Last minute research requests Unexpected travel
DOD DOD Process –Can vary tremendously by branch and program –Broad Agency Announcements (BAA) Used by Branch offices Often multi-step process –White paper –Full proposal –Military relevance
DOD Where to Start –US governmental resource –Central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards –Key word searches May not be exhaustive
DOD: Grants.Gov
Grants.Gov Key word = Veterinary (41 hits on 30 JAN 14)
Search Strategies Visit funding agency websites Determine who is getting funded and for what topics Contacting program officers can be less helpful than NIH because they often also serve as the contracting officer