BRAC RTF 1 BRAC Regional Task Force (RTF) For the Fort Bragg Region Community Planning for BRAC Implementation Education Working Group Meeting December 5, 2006
BRAC RTF 2 Agenda Review of the DOD Conference on Education for Military Connected Communities Review of the DOD Conference on Education for Military Connected Communities Approaches to DOD related growth Approaches to DOD related growth Projected student growth Projected student growth Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles Maranzano, Superintendent of Dinwiddie County Public Schools, Ft. Lee, Virginia Guest Speaker: Dr. Charles Maranzano, Superintendent of Dinwiddie County Public Schools, Ft. Lee, Virginia Discussion Discussion
BRAC RTF 3 Ft. Bragg team consisting of local reps (OSD directed) 13 communities affected by military related growth Held in Atlanta, November 28, 29, 2006 Based on OSD Report on Education to Congress: - Financial assistance; tool kits; impact aid; transition assistance; new programs No panacea: OSD will work with local communities to support military/DOD civilian growth DOD Conference on Education: Military Impacted Communities
BRAC RTF 4 3 Approaches to Preparing for DOD Related Growth 1) Maintain current approach to school funding. Increase Impact Aid (better accounting & new formula) Increase Impact Aid (better accounting & new formula) Assimilate growth within capital improvement plan. Assimilate growth within capital improvement plan. 2) DOD approach (conference in Atlanta): across the board improvements and innovative approach to new bonds or grants. 3) 7 Rivers: Federal responsibility to fund additional requirements for military impacted communities.
BRAC RTF 5 DOD Report to Congress: Total of 4,000 students UNC CH: Center for Urban & Regional Studies: Total of 4,097 children Projections based on current percentages by county Assumptions revised for on-post housing BRAC RTF revision based on projected construction schedule of new military family housing: Total school age children = 3,473. Projected Student Growth
BRAC RTF 6 PROJECTED GROWTH Additional Soldiers and DOD Civilians CountyFY 2006FY 2007FY 2008FY 2009FY 2010FY 2011Total Bladen470(0)21(0)31 Cumberland 2, (11)(647)2,624 Harnett (106)514 Hoke (5)(94)353 Lee (8)114 Montgomery 360(0)17(0)26 Moore (27)290 Richmond (35)134 Robeson1437(1)(3) Sampson7130(1)40(0)59 Scotland 8130(1)35(1)54 Total2,9401, (919)4,366
BRAC RTF 7 Additional People, including Soldiers, Civilians, and Their Dependents
BRAC RTF 8 Calculate the Number of Families and Dependents Calculations are based on Department of Defense formulas Calculations are based on Department of Defense formulas
BRAC RTF 9 Additional On-Base Housing Picerne Housing is building approximately 2,500 military family houses on Ft. Bragg 1,500 new family housing in the Northern Training Area Renovating and demolishing older housing units. The majority will be four bedrooms. Net increase in military family housing is 834 over a seven year period.
BRAC RTF 10 Projected Number of School Age Children (example of calculations) Cumberland County: (projected 71 % of total) Number of soldiers with families: 1269 x 71% = 901 Number of soldiers with families: 1269 x 71% = 901 Subtract 485 new homes on base 901 – 485 = 416 Subtract 485 new homes on base 901 – 485 = 416 Number of civilians with families: 1378 x 71% = 978 Number of civilians with families: 1378 x 71% = 978 Number of school age mil: 416 x 1.6 x.63 = 420 Number of school age mil: 416 x 1.6 x.63 = 420 Number of school age civ: 978 x 1.8 x.75 = 1320 Number of school age civ: 978 x 1.8 x.75 = 1320 Total Number (CC) of school age children = 1740 Total Number (CC) of school age children = 1740
BRAC RTF 11 Projected Number of School Age Children
BRAC RTF 12 Projected Number of School Age Children Seven Rivers Report
BRAC RTF 13 Projected Number of School Age Children Seven Rivers Report
BRAC RTF 14 Dr. Charles Maranzano Dr. Charles Maranzano Superintendent of Schools Superintendent of Schools for Dinwiddie County Public Schools Ft. Lee, Virginia for Dinwiddie County Public Schools Ft. Lee, Virginia Guest Speaker
BRAC RTF 15 Discussion
BRAC RTF 16 QUESTIONS? Website: BRACRTF.COM Website: BRACRTF.COM Contact Info: Contact Info: Paul Dordal: Paul Dordal: Jim Dougherty: Jim Dougherty: John Bellamy: John Bellamy: BRAC RTF Office is located in the Soldier Support Center on Ft. Bragg