The Power of Partnerships: Department of Defense Child Care Expansion Initiative 2012 National Child Care Policy Symposium National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) Washington, DC March 9, 2012
Broad Interest: Federal and State Levels First Lady and Dr. Biden’s national call to action to address the unique challenges facing military families Presidential Study Directive on Military Families urging federal agencies to work together to support military families Increased the synergy of the partnerships between DoD, USDA, and ACF Military Family Caucuses State interest in QRIS/other quality initiatives
DoD’s Child Care Initiative - Why Two-thirds of those stationed in the United States do not live on an installation Many Reserve Component families live in remote areas and long distances from an installation
DoD’s Child Care Initiative - What To address child care availability and quality for: geographically dispersed Guard and Reserve families active duty members who are unable to access care on the installation
DoD’s Child Care Initiative - Where Alaska Washington California Texas Florida North Carolina Virginia Delaware Vermon t Colorado Kansas Indiana Kentucky
DoD’s Child Care Initiative - How A Child Care Liaison in each of the pilot states will serve a single point of contact Develop a strategic plan that will guide efforts in regulatory, non-regulatory, and legislative focus areas Forge new partnerships, strengthen existing partnerships Support efforts for legislative and rules changes, as appropriate Facilitate delivery of training resources
DoD’s Child Care Initiative – How In addition to the Child Care Liaison, states are supported by an Educator from the Land Grant University System University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is lead Provide access to evidence-based, research informed materials Responsible for providing specific training and technical assistance opportunities Facilitate partnerships with Cooperative Extension System in counties throughout the state
DoD's Child Care Initiative Strategic Plan created for each state Input from state stakeholders/use of tools: DoD ERIS (Effectiveness Rating and Improvement System) Standards State Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) State Child Care Licensing Regulations Richard Fiene, Ph.D. – 13 Indicators of Quality Child Care We Can Do Better and Leaving Children to Chance reports (NACCRRA) UNL – Training & Technical Assistance Environmental Scan NACCRRA Training & Technical Assistance Overview
DoD's Child Care Initiative Markers of Progress Legislative/Policy Wins (with Defense State Liaison Office) 17 pieces of legislation in 2011 Recommendations for Child Care Rule/Regulation Change – Kansas and Washington adopted recommendations Training Implementation with Focus on Sustainability
Training and Technical Assistance Evidence based programs selected for initial training implementation: Better Kid Care Online and Instructor Modules Rock Solid Social Emotional Foundations Getting Started in Family Child Care I am Moving, I am Learning Series 3 Online Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Training Opportunities Multiple Delivery Systems: Training of Trainers Face-to-Face On-line
Sustainability Plan Strategic plans in place, guiding the planning for sustainability Trainers ready and available to continue training of providers Statewide partnerships including Land Grant University System and Cooperative Extension System
Small Group Session Three Sessions 15 minutes per session 10:50-11:05Group 1 11:10-11:25Group 2 11:30-11:45Group 3
Small Group Session Professional Development - Assessment Professional Development - Changing state structure Teaching Methods - Train the Trainer Teaching Methods - On-line Learning Partnerships - New Pathways Partnerships - Developing Sustainability