DoD & Friends 1 st Progress Report Perfect Pushup Trainer
Design Problem and Motivation Stemmed from military PFA (physical fitness assessment) standards and regulations o Eliminate the need of eyeballing, therefore guessing, whether a pushup was performed correctly “Perfect Pushup” would be defined using a military standard
Defining the Problem: What is a perfect pushup? Military PFA standards and regulations Hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart Upper arm is at least parallel to the floor and elbows bent at 90 degrees o Looking for a method to capture this aspect
Challenges Actual accurate measurement of the pushup itself o Range of tolerance Universal fit for a multitude of users o “One size fits all” Size of device o More capabilities leads to a bulkier system o Electric vs. Purely Mechanical
Existing Designs Existing Products o U.S. Patent US “Device and Method for Performing Push-up Exercises” o U.S. Patent US “Push-up Exercise Unit and Device” Conclusion o There are only a few existing competitive designs o Speaks to originality of our design o Most existing products have a different primary function from our design
Applicable Patents Existing Products o U.S. Patent “Training Device for Basketball Players for Developing Proper Shooting Technique” o U.S. Patent US “Basketball Shooting Training Aid” o U.S. Patent US “Electronic Basketball Shooting Coach” Conclusion o Basketball shooting mechanisms have the same function as our design o Sensors such as accelerometers and inclinometers can be utilized o Mechanical systems tend to be less complex, but aesthetically unfavorable
Solutions/Concepts After investigating the currently marketed and similar products, the general design considerations from these patents have split our concepts into two groups: a mechanical brace type system and an electronic sleeve system. The next step is to investigate and form these concepts and then evaluate them using design tools
Design Specifications Functions o Indicates when correct pushup form is performed by measuring elbow angle o Ergonomics o Affordable o Durability o Lightweight See FRDPAARC Table for more
Design Specifications Design Specifications FRDPAARC Table
Market Research Data based on 108 online survey responses Would you use it? o 49.1% Yes, for personal use o 22.2% Yes, in a public gym Would you buy it? o 66.7% said No How much should it cost? o 45.4% said $11-$20 Where would it be sold? o 50.9% said in Sporting Goods Stores
Accomplishments and Next Steps What have we done so far? o Brainstorming ideas – generated 8 ideas, 5 eliminated with aid of Professor Lipken o Final design chosen out of remaining 3 through team interests and further input from friends and Professors o Researched existing products and patents o Market research through Google Survey o Began forming initial concepts and innovate design solutions What still needs to be done? o Further customer polling (Market Research) o Develop concepts and chose the best solution o CAD models 2D/3D o Prototyping
References Patents: F. Bergman, S. Jahanian, “Device and Method for Performing Push-up Exercises.” U.S. Patent US A1, issued May 20, alse alse S. Hauser, M. Friedman, A. Mills, “Push-up Exercise Unit and Device.” U.S. Patent US , issued December 23, alse alse R. Mahala, M. Qualben, P. Meurer, “Training Device for Basketball Players for Developing Proper Shooting Technique.” U.S. Patent , issued February 2, alse alse N. Brownell, “Basketball Shooting Training Aid.” U.S. Patent US , issued August 13, alse alse K. Vann, “Basketball Shooting Training Aid and Method for its Use.” U.S. Patent B1, issued August 10, R. Moye, “Electronic Basketball Shooting Coach”, U.S. Patent US , issued February 24, Military Pushup Regulations: pushup-eve.shtml pushup-eve.shtml