Ask yourself… Do I realize that the point of my project is to produce a useful product for DoD? Will my product be creative and original? Is there a wide-spread DoD CRM or NRM need for my product? …DoD CRM and NRM needs are established by the Military Services, generally. Will my product remedy or assist the need? …Or does it simply relate to the subject? Is your project idea applicable for Legacy funding ?
Continuing to ask yourself… Will my product directly enhance the military mission? How specifically? Will my product be useful to more than one DoD installation? Have I read the Legacy Guidelines document found online? Is your project idea applicable for Legacy funding ?
Installation-specific?... NOT fundable Products must be transferable beyond one installation Basic research?... NOT fundable SERDP/ESTCP can fund research and validation projects Standard approaches to CRM?... NOT fundable Projects must be original, creative ideas Projects must have specific benefit to the DoD mission Project need must be established within DoD Routine operations?... NOT fundable Projects cannot be those funded under recurring programming What’s Fundable?
For more information, contact the Legacy Program staff: Natural Resources- Jane Mallory Cultural Resources- Cecilia Brothers General Inquiry & Tracker- Sean Rutherford