Tweeting with twitter
What is Twitter? Twitter is a “microblogging” platform that allows users to share very short messages with one another Users upload messages or tweets from computers, phones, and other Internet devices.
Who uses Twitter? Celebrities, politicians, and musicians (basketball player Shaquille O’Neil) Places in the neighborhood (the Saint Paul Public Library, Pizza Luce, Macalester College) Organizations and Companies Everyday folk like yourself!
Even Cities Tweet
WCCO-TV reporter Jason DeRusha from Minneapolis
That’s when the meme began. DeRusha didn't anticipate how quickly the "DeRusha Day" movement would snowball. A Twitter user started a #DeRushaDay hashtag, and then someone created a poster, another person launched a web site and someone else started online petition devoted to the cause, which were all tweeted about. The end result? Sept. 21 was officially proclaimed DeRusha Day by the mayor’s office and a party marked the event.a web siteonline officially proclaimed
Find someone or something on Twitter! Go to and in the search bar put “__________’s twitter” In the blank you should put someone famous or the name of an institution. You could search for “Governor Mark Dayton Twitter” You could try “Science Museum of Minnesota Twitter”
LinkedIn was founded in 2002 As of January 2013 it has more than 200 million users in 200 different countries Largest social media site dedicated only to professional networking Has 47 million unique visitors every month Worth over 1.5 billion dollars
Membership Countries with the most members 1. America, 75 million 2. India, 18 million 3. United Kingdom, 11 million 4. Brazil, 11 million 5. Canada, 7 million
What’s on your profile? Work history Your profile picture Professional connections Recommendations Professional Skills
How do you connect? A contact network is built up consisting of their direct connections, the connections of each of their connections (termed second-degree connections) and also the connections of second-degree connections (termed third-degree connections). This can be used to gain an introduction to someone a person wishes to know through a mutual contact. It can then be used to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. Job seekers can review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them. Users can post their own photos and view photos of others to aid in identification.
Connect with current and previous professional contacts
Get introductions to people you’ve never met!
Interesting facts LinkedIn does not allow access from the following countries, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria In February 2011 LinkedIn was blocked in China after fear of a possible revolution because you can access twitter from it People in Israel spend the most time on social networking sites followed by Argentina