Social Media Basics For Healthcare Professionals Presented by Susan Rose RN, MSN 2012
Alternate title of this presentation: Everything you always wanted to know about social media * *But were afraid to ask
Communication Choices are as many as there are different kinds of treats on the ice cream truck First here was US Postal (snail) mail, phone. Then came along home computers with , internet websites. Now the new millennium with social platforms, mobile computer in Smart phones, texting and more!
- Web-based and mobile based technologies which are used to turn communication into interactive dialogue between organizations and individuals. - A group of Internet-based applications that allow the creation and exchange of user- generated content. * You Tube is also a type of Social Media due to text and video comments left for the video seen. What is exactly IS Social Media?
Types of Social Media other styles… Group ( reply to all list- serve) Interaction on web sites ( Guest books -Funeral condolences on web site) Blogs and Guest Bloggers. (UPMC) Today’s focus is Facebook, Linked-In and Twitter
Social Media saves lives saved-lives/more-than-just-fun the E patient
Nursing Organization offering it all to members Let’s follow AHNA American Holistic Nurses Association. Founded in 1981, partly as a response to major changes in health care delivery that were transforming the work of nurses in hospital settings. Nursing care was becoming less and less patient and wellness centered and the founding of AHNA was a response and the call for a solution. Today there are over 5,700 members, all connecting to holistic nursing and each other in many ways. Like the children at the ice cream truck some of us will prefer one type over the other, and some will want it all.
Then Came - Facebook Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004,social networking service As of May 2012 [update], Facebook has over 900 million active users, [update]900 million active more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device. [4]mobile device [4] Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile,personal profile add other users as friends, and exchange messages,friends including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics.
AHNA local Chapter have their own facebook!
You can Also create Special Event Pages In addition to Your site And see Who is Coming! RSVP via Facebook
Special Topic – Not just company FB but HR page for example
What is linkedin? LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with over 120 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals.
Holistic Pittsburgh Linked In Group
Twitter - A microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". It was created in March 2006 and rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 140 million active users as of 2012, [5] generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day. Since its launch, the Twitter website has become one of the top 10 most visited on the Internet, and has been described as "the text messaging of the Internet. microbloggingcharacters [5]search queriesInternet
Local Twitter – follow!
Social media in reverse- the bad review – Yelp Be aware that your nursing care may be reviewed! Dr1RA0NMQ Gc4zOqozo
Curiosity and Concern ( just so you cant say you weren't warned) Review Policies of ANA AMA And Hippa Concerns- see State Board info
In Summary, We have covered What is Social Media and given examples in Facebook Linkedin and Twitter. Social media can be a route to more knowledge and better patient ( And Self ) Care. Thank you